The journalist and author facing execution after unfair trial in the US |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 03/02/2010 |
Security, Justice & Home Affairs |
Commission's two-faced rush to approve GM potato flouts public opinion |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/04/2010 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
Relentless EU dismantling of postal services will hit both workers and customers |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/04/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Economic and social justice for women is more pressing than ever! |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Mon, 03/08/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Pets: de Brún report to improvemobility and health |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Mon, 03/08/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Citizens denied transparency and open debate on GMO issue |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Mon, 03/08/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Colombia's human rights record demands investigation of GSP+ status |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/11/2010 |
Global Europe |
GUE/NGL demands cancellation of illegal EU-Morocco fisheries agreement |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/11/2010 |
Global Europe |
EU governments' backward steps on Kurdish question |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/11/2010 |
Global Europe |
CFSP - Only a demilitarised Europe can be a force for peace |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/11/2010 |
Global Europe |
Welcome to democracy - Parliament rejects Commission's shifty negotiating methods |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/11/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
A long overdue acceptance of Israel's violations of international law |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 03/12/2010 |
Global Europe |
Strong European Framework for inclusion of Roma needed |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 03/12/2010 |
Global Europe |
MEPs from delegation to Gaza meet with President Buzek |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 03/12/2010 |
Global Europe |
Belgium gives dangerous signals to Turkish government |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/18/2010 |
Enlargement |
Blair blind to Israeli duties, hawk-eyed on Palestinian |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 03/23/2010 |
Global Europe |
SWIFT agreement - Commission insufficiently sweetening a very bitter pill |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 03/24/2010 |
Un soutien inacceptable de l'Union à la Tunisie : Les intérêts économiques au mépris des droits de l'Homme |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/07/2010 |
Global Europe |
Stop anti-Roma discrimination - International Day of the Roma |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/07/2010 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
A bad deal for both Greece and Europe |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 04/08/2010 |
Spanish crisis underlines the need for European alternatives |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 04/13/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Western Sahara activists meet GUE/NGL in Madrid on EU-Morocco relations |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/14/2010 |
Global Europe |
GUE/NGL backs demonstration against postal services liberalization |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/14/2010 |
Health & Consumers |
"Justice has been gagged, Moroccan intransigence rewarded" |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/14/2010 |
Global Europe |
Eurozone: Heightened surveillance of bad rules gets us nowhere – Commission the real culprit |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 04/15/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
GUE/NGL delegation at the World People's Conference on Climate Change in Cochabamba |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 04/16/2010 |
Climate & Environment |
Passenger safety must come before profit - Bisky on air travel disruption |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 04/20/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Commission Work Programme 2010 - inaction veiled in rhetoric |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/21/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs |
Citizens deserve better - EU budget transparency standards just not good enough |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 04/21/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Patient safety the basis for new measures to tackle potentially lethal fake medicines |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 04/27/2010 |
Health & Consumers |