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EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein

Company Description

The EUROPEAN HEALTH FORUM GASTEIN (EHFG) was founded in 1998 as a European health policy conference with the aim of providing a platform for discussion for the various stakeholders in the field of public health and health care. Since then the EHFG has developed into a key annual event, bringing together, 

politicians, senior decision-makers, representatives of interest groups, and experts coming from government and administration, business and industry, civil society and science and academia. These four groups of stakeholders with their perspectives constitute the four pillars of the EHFG.

The EHFG further considers the vertical organisation of societies and the EU by integrating regional, national, European and international levels and thus facilitating the exchange of views and experience amongst key actors and experts from the 27 EU members and the EEA countries, but also from the rest of the 52 countries of the WHO European region. Launched with major financial support from the European Commission, subsequent events have grown with the continued and extended co-operation of Commission services. In that regard the Forum can be considered as a pilot project and benchmark for any Commission civil society consultation process.

Press Releases of this organisation

European Health Forum Gastein nominates Finalists for top-class Health Award EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Tue, 09/07/2010 Health & Consumers
10th European Health Award goes to European Antibiotic Awareness Day EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 09/29/2016 Health & Consumers
15th European Health Forum Gastein Crisis and Opportunity - Health in an Age of Austerity EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 05/10/2012 Health & Consumers
16th European Health Forum Gastein Resilient and Innovative Health Systems in Europe Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg, October 2 to 4, 2013 EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 07/05/2013 EU Priorities 2020, Health & Consumers, Innovation & Enterprise
20th edition of European Health Forum Gastein 2017 opens its doors tomorrow EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Tue, 10/03/2017 Health & Consumers
A United Voice Towards a new European strategy for global health, Webinar I 8 June 2022 I 14:00 - 15:00 CEST EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Wed, 05/25/2022
Ageing societies: Experts demand new views on ageing and its potent EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Mon, 10/11/2010 Health & Consumers
Approximately 30 Million EU Citizens Suffer from a “Rare Disease” EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Mon, 10/05/2009 Health & Consumers
Association of key vaccines with judicious antibiotic use turns out to be an efficient strategy against antibiotic resistance EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/02/2009 Health & Consumers
Austrian Health Minister Stöger at EHFG opening: Ensuring solidarity in the financing of healthcare systems EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/08/2010 Health & Consumers
Biotech Crisis Puts Brakes on Pharma Research EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/02/2009 Health & Consumers
Central European Countries Plan Extensive Cooperation for Rare Diseases EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Wed, 08/26/2009 Health & Consumers
Conference „European Public Health 20 years after the Maastricht Treaty“May 22 – 23, 2013, Maastricht (Netherlands) EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Tue, 05/21/2013 EU Priorities 2020, Health & Consumers, Social Europe & Jobs
Cutting costs with Medical Technology Innovations EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/02/2009 Health & Consumers
Das European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) 2020 regt Diskussionen über neue Partnerschaftsmodelle für ein stärkeres und vereintes Europa an EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 07/31/2020 Health & Consumers
Demographic change in Europe “a ticking time-bomb” EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 10/13/2011 Health & Consumers
Demographics, Diversity and Health are themes for the European Health Forum Gastein 2016, that takes place in Austria from 28 to 30 September 2016 EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 04/28/2016 Health & Consumers, Social Europe & Jobs
Economic Crisis Threatens Access to Health Services EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 09/17/2009 Health & Consumers
Economic Crisis Threatens Access to Health and Social Services EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/02/2009 Health & Consumers
Economic Crisis: Saving Banks or Lives? EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/02/2009 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2009: Health Policy between Ethics and Finances EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Fri, 10/02/2009 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Assessing ways of getting better value EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Mon, 10/10/2011 Health & Consumers, Euro & Finance
EHFG 2011: Child safety card wins European Health Award EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Mon, 10/10/2011 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Cross-border health threats: build international trust urges UK health security experts EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 10/06/2011 Security, Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Diseases of civilisation breaking economic growth EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Wed, 10/05/2011 Health & Consumers, Euro & Finance
EHFG 2011: EU Health services "suffering from virus" EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Wed, 10/05/2011 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Experts address “vaccine confidence gap” EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 10/13/2011 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Experts call for action to meet special health needs of EU’s migrants EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 10/06/2011 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Friends and family as responsible as health care professionals for personal health, global survey finds EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Thu, 10/06/2011 Health & Consumers
EHFG 2011: Globalisation requires coordinated health policy approach - experts discuss reforms of the WHO EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein Wed, 10/05/2011 Health & Consumers, Global Europe



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