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BirdLife International

Company Description

BirdLife International is a global Partnership of conservation organisations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. BirdLife Partners operate in over one hundred countries and territories worldwide.

Press Releases of this organisation

EU Common Agricultural Policy still not supporting sustainable farming BirdLife International 07 Jul 2010 Sustainable Dev., Agriculture & Food
Will Europe avoid another “Copenhagen fiasco”? BirdLife International 07 Jul 2010 Health & Consumers, Climate & Environment
Spanish Presidency scores 3 out of 10 BirdLife International 25 Jun 2010 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
Studies cast further doubt on sustainability of bioenergy BirdLife International 25 Jun 2010 Climate & Environment, Energy, Transport
Wetland aliens cause bird extinction BirdLife International 26 May 2010 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Biodiversity: do we have the courage to save it? (Embargo: 22 May 2010) BirdLife International 21 May 2010 Sustainable Dev., Health & Consumers, Climate & Environment
BirdLife International strongly condemns the opening of the new spring hunting season in Malta BirdLife International 12 Apr 2010 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Will Environment Ministers put biodiversity back on its way to recovery? BirdLife International 15 Mar 2010 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
Discover Natura 2000’s hidden gems with the EU Commissioners BirdLife International 12 Feb 2010 Sustainable Dev., Health & Consumers
BirdLife International celebrates the World Wetlands Day: an answer to climate change BirdLife International 02 Feb 2010 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Biodiversity on the Brink - BirdLife’s photo exhibition to launch the International Year of Biodiversity BirdLife International 26 Jan 2010 Sustainable Dev., Health & Consumers
BirdLife International's reaction on the European Commission's communication: Options for a EU vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010 BirdLife International 20 Jan 2010 Health & Consumers
International action to stop illegal hunting in Malta BirdLife International 18 Jan 2010 Health & Consumers
COP-out at Copenhagen BirdLife International 05 Jan 2010 Sustainable Dev., Health & Consumers
Is Europe ready for global leadership on biodiversity in 2010? BirdLife International 05 Jan 2010 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
5 out of 10 points for Swedish EU Presidency: BirdLife's green hopes only partly fulfilled BirdLife International 05 Jan 2010 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
BirdLife’s case for the role of ecosystems in climate change adaptation BirdLife International 11 Dec 2009 Health & Consumers, Languages & Culture, Sustainable Dev.
Stopping seabird deaths in European fisheries: will Ministers push the Commission to act? BirdLife International 20 Nov 2009 EU Priorities 2020, Health & Consumers
EU protected areas starved of cash BirdLife International 13 Nov 2009 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Civil Society reminds MEPs to stay in touch BirdLife International 05 Oct 2009 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
Green reform is turning sour BirdLife International 02 Oct 2009 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
BirdLife welcomes ECJ decision on spring hunting in Malta BirdLife International 10 Sep 2009 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
CAP simplification - smoke screen for law breaking and waste of public money? BirdLife International 17 Aug 2009 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
BirdLife International European Division BirdLife International 30 Jul 2009 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
Groundbreaking European Commission report: Agriculture Policy jeopardises efforts to save Europe’s biodiversity BirdLife International 13 Jul 2009 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Five challenging keys for Sweden to unlock Europe’s environmental problems BirdLife International 01 Jul 2009 Sustainable Dev.
BirdLife International announces more Critically Endangered birds than ever before BirdLife International 14 May 2009 Health & Consumers, Sustainable Dev.
Could do Better! Why EU Rural Development Policy is failing to reach its biodiversity potential New study reveals poor implementation undermining a biodiversity friendly policy BirdLife International 07 May 2009 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
Message from Athens:hope for the planet, homework for politicians BirdLife International 28 Apr 2009 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
Dead animals back on the menu for vultures BirdLife International 24 Apr 2009 Health & Consumers
