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Press Releases of this organisation

Accountants: ‘Smart regulators must be able to tell regulatory burdens from regulatory capital’ ACCA Fri, 11/25/2011 Euro & Finance
Accountants ‘deeply concerned’ about building back better and social and environmental impacts ACCA Tue, 10/13/2020 InfoSociety
Accountants welcome the EU move towards improving the fight against fraud and tax evasion ACCA Wed, 06/27/2012 Euro & Finance
Accountants taking strategic lead on AI as investment ramps up ACCA Tue, 09/24/2024 Euro & Finance
Accountants read signs of financial stress, stalling growth in latest SME Finance Monitor data ACCA Fri, 03/09/2012 Euro & Finance
Accountants have key role to play in fight against climate change, says ACCA ACCA Mon, 12/05/2011 Climate & Environment
Accountants face new era of ethical challenges ACCA Mon, 10/14/2024 InfoSociety
Accountants could be the ‘sustainability trailblazers’ needed to drive the green agenda in the SME space ACCA Wed, 11/24/2021 Sustainable Dev.
Accountants are key to implementing Integrated Reporting, says new report from ACCA and IMA ACCA Thu, 01/21/2016 Innovation & Enterprise
Accountants and sustainability – Helen Brand, chief executive of ACCA, comments on the new International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) ACCA Fri, 08/27/2010
Accountancy profession will continue to lose credibility if it fails to demonstrate value to public ACCA Wed, 09/05/2012 Euro & Finance
Accountancy is vital for global economies to advance into the future ACCA Tue, 04/12/2022 InfoSociety
Accountancy bodies calls for informed debate on EU Reform ACCA Thu, 02/11/2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev., Trade & Society
Accountancy and international experts tackle self-employment challenges faced today in Europe ACCA Fri, 01/31/2020 InfoSociety
Accountancy and finance profession viewed as being ‘broadly inclusive’, but more needs to be done, finds global research ACCA Wed, 01/20/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
ACCA’s response to CDP, CDSB, GRI, IIRC and SASB’s statement of intent to work together towards comprehensive corporate reporting ACCA Fri, 09/11/2020 InfoSociety
ACCA’s newest public sector qualification Cert PFM now available ACCA Mon, 01/06/2020 Euro & Finance, InfoSociety
ACCA’s integrated master’s programme with the University of London changing lives across the globe ACCA Wed, 06/21/2017 Social Europe & Jobs, Education
ACCA’s future members have new online resource myACCA ACCA Fri, 02/28/2020 InfoSociety
ACCA’s focus on the ‘big themes’ affecting the accountancy profession ACCA Mon, 03/25/2019 InfoSociety
ACCA’s enhanced Ethics and Professional Skills module now live ACCA Tue, 11/07/2017 Euro & Finance
ACCA’s eighth virtual conference sees record online turnout ACCA Wed, 12/20/2017 Euro & Finance, Global Europe, InfoSociety, UK in Europe
ACCA’s chief executive signs global call to action statement in response to climate change ACCA Tue, 02/25/2020 InfoSociety, Climate & Environment
ACCA’s Chief Executive joins CSR Europe’s Call to Action for a Sustainable Europe by 2030 ACCA Wed, 12/04/2019 InfoSociety
ACCA’s Accounting for the Future online event attracts 10,000 participants ACCA Fri, 10/05/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA’s 4th International Public Sector Conference: Rebalancing the economy - boosting growth ACCA Thu, 08/16/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA: time for change for SGEI state Aid rules - Clarification, proportionality and simplification of the state aid rules for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI) are urgently needed, says global accountancy body ACCA Tue, 10/04/2011 Euro & Finance, Competition
ACCA/IMA Survey Indicates a Tough Balancing Act of CFO Priorities ACCA Tue, 12/11/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA-X wins grand prix at the Education Investor Awards 2016 ACCA Tue, 11/22/2016 Euro & Finance
ACCA-X celebrates its first birthday ACCA Mon, 04/11/2016 Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise, Education



APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Energy & Environment Policy Internship
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Director
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
Communications Assistant
Membership Intern
European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)
Legal Experts (Germany and Poland)