Company Description

Press Releases of this organisation

Honorary Degree awarded to ACCA’s Chief Executive ACCA Wed, 04/04/2012 Euro & Finance
The global economy grew substantially in the first quarter of 2012, reveals global survey of accountants ACCA Wed, 05/02/2012 Euro & Finance
“Facilitating access to equity finance – from trusted advisers to active intermediaries” ACCA Wed, 05/02/2012 Euro & Finance
Investors missing from global financial reform process ACCA Thu, 05/03/2012 Euro & Finance
Why experience matters: ACCA revamps its practical experience module for accountancy students ACCA Tue, 05/15/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA wants incentives to encourage more women representation on boards, but not EU-wide rigidly imposed quotas ACCA Wed, 05/16/2012 Euro & Finance
Integrating material sustainability information into corporate reports should be a key and critical outcome of Rio +20, urges ACCA ACCA Tue, 05/29/2012 Sustainable Dev.
Embracing the green economy really is essential for economic growth in businesses, says ACCA ACCA Tue, 06/19/2012 Euro & Finance
The future direction of improved auditor reporting – investors’ voices need to be heard, says ACCA ACCA Tue, 06/26/2012 Euro & Finance
Accountants welcome the EU move towards improving the fight against fraud and tax evasion ACCA Wed, 06/27/2012 Euro & Finance
Modernising EU Insolvency law: towards a more rescue-oriented framework? ACCA Fri, 07/13/2012 Euro & Finance
Self-financing, following their dreams and driving economies – research reveals the world of high growth SMEs ACCA Fri, 07/13/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA announces 2012 Simpson Scholarship winners ACCA Wed, 07/25/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA shares ideas on how accountants can benefit from global branding in China ACCA Thu, 07/26/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA welcomes Kay review’s call to end short-termism in the City ACCA Thu, 07/26/2012 Euro & Finance
Get organised and keep up-to-date with new ACCA apps ACCA Mon, 08/13/2012 Euro & Finance
Record number of students complete ACCA exams ACCA Mon, 08/13/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA publishes its first Integrated Report ACCA Mon, 08/13/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA and IMA Research Foundation Announce Special Joint Call for Research Proposals ACCA Mon, 08/13/2012 Euro & Finance
Then and now – Integrated Reporting brings about changes in what companies disclose, finds a new comparative study from ACCA ACCA Mon, 08/13/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA’s 4th International Public Sector Conference: Rebalancing the economy - boosting growth ACCA Thu, 08/16/2012 Euro & Finance
Viewing green taxation as a panacea is fatally flawed, says ACCA ACCA Mon, 08/20/2012 Euro & Finance
Accountancy profession will continue to lose credibility if it fails to demonstrate value to public ACCA Wed, 09/05/2012 Euro & Finance
Local government audit needs to be strengthened and clarified, says ACCA’s response to the Local Audit Bill consultation ACCA Mon, 09/10/2012 Euro & Finance
General Anti Abuse Rule for the UK tax system – “certainty is lacking at this stage”, says ACCA ACCA Wed, 09/19/2012 Euro & Finance
Reform of audit: No status quo but more transparency, quality and independence ACCA Fri, 09/28/2012 Euro & Finance
New salary and career survey shows employers welcome the skills of ACCA accountants ACCA Thu, 10/04/2012 Euro & Finance
Talent management in the shared services world ‘ineffective’, finds ACCA ACCA Thu, 10/04/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA’s Accounting for the Future online event attracts 10,000 participants ACCA Fri, 10/05/2012 Euro & Finance
IAASB project on auditor’s reports on the right track for investors, says ACCA ACCA Thu, 10/18/2012 Euro & Finance



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EBA - European Biogas Association
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Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
Communications and New Media Officer
EBA - European Biogas Association
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Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
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Bioenergy Europe
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