José Manuel Fernandes MEP, Member of the Committee on Budgets and Co-Rapporteur of the EU Budget for 2012, considers that "Real cuts have been made for the budget of all EU institutions for 2012", highlighting that "expenditure on administration for all EU institutions represent only 5,59% of the global EU budget for 2012."
"We have gone even below the expectations set out by the Council. The European Parliament's budget for 2012 is an historic budget, having an increase of only 1.9% compared to the figures of previous years. EP budget for 2012 is the lowest since 1999. And if we exclude the expenses related to the Croatian accession to the EU and the new 18 MEPs, the real increase stands at only 0.8%".
Savings of about 74 million Euro have been made, compared to the original Preliminary Draft estimates from Parliament's Administration. These savings concern, inter alia, translation and interpretation services and travel costs.
"The European Parliament and the other European Institutions want to achieve their objectives with sustainable growth, and recruiting new staff with fewer financial resources. We are doing more with fewer resources. This budget is the minimum possible level of increase that we can have, in order to be able to accomplish the European project", concluded the Rapporteur.
On the overall EU Budget for 2012 Giovanni La Via MEP, EPP Group Spokesman, said "This vote highlights the Parliament's responsible approach and our awareness of Europe's economic crisis, but also the conviction of the need to use EU funds effectively, emphasising the role of the EU budget as a tool for revitalising the economy through an investment plan. The European Commission's budget is particularly important because it contains the bulk of spending foreseen for 2012".
"We strongly support a Budget that promotes growth and research - in order to create new jobs. That is why Europe 2020 Strategy has a key role, promoting the concept of European added value which shows that European spending generates clear and visible benefits for the Union and its citizens", explained Giovanni La Via MEP.
"We are in favour of a series of higher investments concentrated in limited but selective lines fully reflecting the priorities expressed by Parliament over the last months. We felt the need to support key policies and areas for growth with a series of strategically targeted increases to revive investments in Europe such as: the support of research (7th Framework Programme), commitments to promote enterprise competitiveness (especially SMEs) and encouraging innovation and support of young people (Lifelong Learning - Erasmus). Furthermore we want to maintain the structural funds, ensuring adequate funding for the farming and rural sectors; strengthening external actions - to consolidate the "Arab Spring" for example - supporting also common migration policies", concluded Giovanni La Via MEP.
"I hope that the Council can understand our approach and will be open to negotiations on a base of collaboration and focused on the definition of a realistic and intelligent budget, capable to reach the goal of a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for the European citizens", concluded Giovanni La Via.
For further information:
José Manuel FERNANDES [1] MEP, Tel: +33-3-88175165
Giovanni LA VIA [2] MEP, Tel: +33-3-88175217
Sandra Carreira [3], EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +33-3-88172118
Francesco Frapiccini [4], EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-473-941652
Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 264 Members.
[1] mailto:josemanuel.fernandes@europarl.europa.eu?subject=Seen%20on%20PR.EurActiv.com
[2] mailto:giovanni.lavia@europarl.europa.eu?subject=Seen%20on%20PR.EurActiv.com
[3] mailto:sandra.carreira@europarl.europa.eu?subject=Seen%20on%20PR.EurActiv.com
[4] mailto:francesco.frapiccini@europarl.europa.eu?subject=Seen%20on%20PR.EurActiv.com