The Young Forum Gastein (YFG) programme was initiated in 2007 to enable promising young health professionals to attend the annual European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) and become part of an inspiring network which now includes nearly 600 members (Young Gasteiners) working in public and private sectors, civil society, and science & academia. Participation in the YFG network introduces young experts to the EHFG community and the European public health scene in general. It also offers a unique opportunity for Young Gasteiners to actively contribute to the annual EHFG conference as interviewers, moderators or rapporteurs and get involved in discussions on the current challenges and developments in health in Europe and beyond.
2022 Edition
The EHFG conference will be designed as a hybrid conference with the possibility to follow the discussions both online and onsite. The Young Forum Gastein scholarship programme will take place onsite in Bad Hofgastein, Austria. However, we ask your understanding that the health and safety of our participants is our highest priority, and we cannot exclude that we may have to adapt to the epidemiological situation and safety measures as required.
The YFG programme will start with an online kick-off evening event in early September and will continue one day prior to the conference, from Monday 26 to Thursday 29 September 2022. The scholars will arrive in Bad Hofgastein on Sunday evening 25 September, and the departure from Bad Hofgastein will be scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday 29 September 2022. Please note that the accepted scholars are responsible for their travel arrangements to/from Salzburg Airport and the respective costs.
From the public sector, science & academia and civil society
EHFG offers a limited number of YFG scholarships to attend the 25th EHFG for professionals from the public sector, science & academia and civil society organisations. The scholarship covers the conference registration fee and conference materials, participation in the tailor-made YFG programme, shuttle from/to Salzburg Airport, accommodation for four nights in a three-star hotel, meals, and evening events.
From the private sector
If you are working in the private sector, please note that your employer should cover the scholarship costs associated with your participation in the YFG programme and EHFG conference. A confirmation that your employer will cover the respective contribution of €1.920 if selected for the programme, should be submitted in the application with other required documents.
By applying for the YFG scholarship the applicant confirms her/his availability to undertake an active role before and during the conference. This is a pre-condition for being accepted into the programme. Activities may include interviewing, supporting interactive sessions, participation in panel discussions, and acting as rapporteur for sessions.
The scholarship application consists of two parts:
1. Questionnaire: Please fill in this Google Forms [2] questionnaire.
2. Submitting the following documents (please send these to yfg@ehfg.org [3] with the subject of ‘First & Last Name_YFG Application’ of the email by Monday, 2 May 2022, 23:59 CET):
Please note that only full applications submitted by the deadline of 2 May, 23:59 CET, will be considered and will be examined according to the criteria mentioned above. A balanced participation from across countries/regions and professional sectors will be considered.
All applicants will be notified on the outcome of the selection process by end of May 2022.
[1] http://www.euro.who.int/en/countries
[2] https://forms.gle/yoiGbdXiv3HA7ZUe8
[3] mailto:yfg@ehfg.org
[4] https://www.ehfg.org/young-forum-gastein/call-for-applications