Policy makers debate key issues at the ACCA President’s Debate 2016, held in Malaysia
Policy makers from the European Union and Malaysian Government will address and debate the challenges ahead for the newly formed ASEAN Economic Community at the first ACCA President’s debate to be held outside of the EU, in Kuala Lumpur on the 6 April 2016.
Titled “Will fitting the EU’s teeth give ASEAN’s Economic Community the bite it is lacking?” the speakers will be:
· YB Senator Dato’ Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia
· Mr Jayant Menon, ADB Lead Economist
· Dr Steven Everts, Senior Adviser on EU-ASEAN and ARF Alternate Senior Official (SOM) Asia Pacific Department, European External Action Service
· Dr Fraser Cameron, Director of the EU-Asia Centre
Datuk Alexandra Chin, ACCA President, will be hosting the event, and says: “This is a first for ACCA, bringing our regular President’s Debate out of Europe and onto the global stage. In previous years, ACCA has held regular President’s Debates in Europe, with each event aligned with the European Presidency which rotates every six months around EU member countries.
“Given the interest I have in the AEC, we wanted to link the work of the AEC and the EU. Our theme will focus on the challenges for both communities, and whether the AEC can learn from the European project, with its seeds of economic co-operation sown after the Second World War.”
Soo Yee Leong, Director Asia Pac at ACCA, says: “This promises to be an insightful session, with a debate that I am sure will spark ideas and key learning for all those attending. We expect this debate to generate awareness and reflections on the ASEAN model by contrasting it with the EU model - perhaps identify the roadblocks to true ASEAN integration in order to remove or mitigate them.”
To attend the event, please contact:
Ms. Pui Nyinn at +603 2182 3607 or email mycpd@accaglobal.com [1]
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For media enquiries, contact:
Helen Thompson
T: +44 (0)20 7059 5759
M: +44 (0)7725 498 654
E: helen.thompson@accaglobal.com [2]
Twitter @ACCANews
Berenice Then, ACCA Malaysia
direct: +60 (0)3 2182 3610
toll free: 1800 88 5051
berenice.then@accaglobal.com [3]
Twitter @ACCAMalaysia [4]
Notes to Editors
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ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. It offers business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management.
ACCA supports its 178,000 members and 455,000 students in 181 countries, helping them to develop successful careers in accounting and business, with the skills required by employers. ACCA works through a network of 95 offices and centres and more than 7,110 Approved Employers worldwide, who provide high standards of employee learning and development. Through its public interest remit, ACCA promotes appropriate regulation of accounting and conducts relevant research to ensure accountancy continues to grow in reputation and influence.
Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique core values: opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity and accountability. It believes that accountants bring value to economies in all stages of development and seek to develop capacity in the profession and encourage the adoption of global standards. ACCA’s core values are aligned to the needs of employers in all sectors and it ensures that through its range of qualifications, it prepares accountants for business. ACCA seeks to open up the profession to people of all backgrounds and remove artificial barriers, innovating its qualifications and delivery to meet the diverse needs of trainee professionals and their employers. More information is here: www.accaglobal.com [5]
[1] mailto:mycpd@accaglobal.com
[2] mailto:helen.thompson@accaglobal.com
[3] mailto:berenice.then@accaglobal.com
[4] http://twitter.com/accamalaysia
[5] http://www.accaglobal.com