CEEP broadly welcomes the first preliminary outline of a Pillar of Social Rights launched by the European Commission. Such proposal could have the potential to level the playing field all around Europe and consolidate the EU social acquis. However, respecting the principle of subsidiarity will be key for its success and widespread acceptance.
“Many of the principles and objectives formulated in the proposal, such as the call to redefine the concept of ‘flexicurity’ or the focus put on skills and education, are the right ones,” said Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary. “We are committed to support the European Commission in its call for more rights for citizens – to housing, to healthcare, to education. But as of today, very little is proposed to support the providers of such services, which are already facing severe constraints.”
A strong criticism arises on the place of social partners and social dialogue in this process.
“Social partners need to be directly involved in the setting-up of the Pillar of Social Rights, especially on Chapter II on Fair Working Conditions” continued Valeria Ronzitti. “Without claiming a “holy right” to dedicated consultations, social partners are the best placed to shape working conditions and industrial relations at company, local, national and European levels. A public consultation does not reflect this specific role and we call the European Commission to take it into account in the next steps.”
CEEP will answer the public consultation.
For further information, please contact:
Maxime STAELENS, Communication Officer
Email: maxime.staelens@ceep.eu
Tel.: + 32(0) 2 229 21 40
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CEEP, European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services, is one of the three general cross-sectoral European Social Partners. It gathers public and private providers of services of general interest from across Europe. CEEP members contribute to more than 26% of EU GDP and employ 30% of the EU workforce.