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MEP Spinelli Group launched today in European Parliament


Wed, 11/10/2010

Today MEP's from the main political groups founded the MEP Spinelli Group. The Group will be co-presided by Andrew Duff (MEP, ALDE) and Sergio Cofferati (MEP, PD). Already more then sixty MEP's have joined by signing the Manifesto.

The MEP Spinelli Group is part of the Spinelli Group which was founded on September 15, on the initiative of Guy Verhofstadt, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Isabel Durant and Sylvie Goulard. It consists of a Steering Group, an MEP Spinelli Group and a citizen's network. The members of the Steering Group are politicians, philosophical, political and economic thinkers such as Amartya Sen, Ulrich Beck, Jacques Delors, Joschka Fisher or Mario Monti. Since its foundation already 1600 people have signed the manifesto on

The aim of the MEP Spinelli Group which was launched today, is to create a network of MEPs who put the European interests above national interests. Members commit themselves to defend the Spinelli approach within their respective political groups, who form the pro- European majority in the European Parliament eg. on the current proposals for treaty change.

The MEP Spinelli Group will strongly promote a more federal Europe, including genuine own resources, transnational lists, economic governance, European patents, and a European army.

The MEP Spinelli Group will influence votes in the Parliament. On important European dossiers there will be a distinct Spinelli view and a Spinelli vote. For example we could introduce amendments signed by at least 40 MEPs of the Spinelli Group. The Group will use written declarations with red lines for negotiations and publish papers in order to reflect on important subjects.

The next meeting of the MEP Spinelli Group will be on the 15th of December which will discuss, inter alia what to do with the proposed Treaty change. The names of the MEP's that have signed, are available on the website.

For more information: Koert Debeuf, 0032 496 614375