EU Federation Knowledge Programme 2012 - 7 workshops on EU communication & advocacy
EurActiv is pleased to present its 2012 EU Federation Knowledge Programme, a series of 7 workshops, led by top-tier EU consultancies who will provide our EurActor members a better understanding of trends in EU communication & advocacy.
EurActiv recognises the specialised needs that EU federations have in terms of seeking visibility and in promoting reputations, policy positions and events amongst Brussels circles. “Under this scope, the EU Federation Knowledge Programme is a unique opportunity for learning, sharing and networking among leading actors in the field”, said Rick Zednik, CEO of EurActiv.com.
“Just like in 2011, the workshops in 2012 will again be organised around three themes,” announced Alexandre Dechaumont, PR Director of EurActiv.com. “We will kick off with two workshops on Communication & Advocacy respectively with presentations from Kreab&Gavin Anderson and Cabinet DN. The second set of workshops focuses on the specificity of the EU Media landscape with presentations from Grayling and Burson-Marsteller. The last three workshops will then focus on Digital Communication in a European setting, a popular topic for communication professionals, with presentations from Hill&Knowlton, Fleishman Hillard and Ogilvy”, Dechaumont said.
The 7 workshops will be held between February and September 2012. Each workshop is limited to 25 EurActor members and will take place at EurActiv’s office in the International Press Centre in Brussels. A brochure with a full description of each of the workshops in the EU Federation Knowledge programme 2012 is already available (brochure). A video with highlights from the 2011 EU Federation Knowledge Programme is available online (video 2011 highlights).
The EU Federation Knowledge Programme is part of an ongoing series of practice and stakeholder workshops. Click here for the latest version of the Stakeholder Workshop programme organised by Fondation EurActiv Politech.
Media contacts:
Alexandre Dechaumont, PR Director, EurActiv.com +32(0), prdirector@euractiv.com
Dominique Ostyn, Senior Manager Communication & New Media +32(0)2.788.36.88, communication@euractiv.com
Christophe Leclercq, Publisher, EurActiv.com, +32(0), publisher@euractiv.com
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