Meet the forthcoming EU Presidencies: The Czech Republic |
Caritas Europa |
Mon, 12/22/2008 |
Social Europe & Jobs, EU Priorities 2020 |
Meeting with the Hungarian Presidency of the EU - ETNO insists on importance of NGA investment to meet Digital Agenda targets and raises concerns about special tax on telecoms |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Wed, 01/12/2011 |
InfoSociety, Trade & Society |
Mega-trucks - Commission's planned u-turn on gigaliners incompatible with EU law |
Tue, 03/20/2012 |
Transport |
Mehr und mehr vom Falschen - PM MdEP Sabine Lösing (DIE LINKE.) |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Wed, 12/14/2016 |
Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs |
Mehr Wertschöpfung aus Nebenprodukten |
Tue, 09/20/2016 |
Agriculture & Food |
Mehrjähriger Finanzrahmen: Qualitätsmängel mit Aufpreis |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Wed, 12/16/2020 |
Euro & Finance |
Mehrweg fürs Meer |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Thu, 09/15/2016 |
Climate & Environment |
Member State support for progressive EU LGBTI equality work is undeniable |
ILGA Europe - European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association |
Tue, 03/08/2016 |
Health & Consumers, Social Europe & Jobs, Justice & Home Affairs |
Member States are preventing the efficient use of EU funds |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Wed, 01/26/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Member states back S&D’s demand for equal pay for equal work |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 04/11/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Member states can say no to GMOs |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 04/12/2011 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
Member States hampering family reunification are in breach with EU law |
Caritas Europa |
Tue, 12/18/2012 |
EU Priorities 2020, Justice & Home Affairs, Social Europe & Jobs |
Member states must address needs of victims of terror |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 12/15/2015 |
Security |
Member States need to exploit the employment growth potential of public services |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Tue, 04/24/2012 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Member States, Commission, MEPs and Industry held the first meeting of the Forum for EU Refining and discussed the situation of the EU refining industry, including both non EU competitive pressures and the impact of EU legislation. |
Europia |
Wed, 04/17/2013 |
Energy, Trade & Society |
Members European Parliament call to include nutrition and nutritional care in all EU health programmes |
Optimal nutritional care |
Wed, 09/30/2020 |
Health & Consumers |
Members of the European Parliament call on the European Commission to make sure that the Single-Use Guidelines are consistent and fully aligned with the Directive's objectives |
Cristian Busoi, EPP MEP, Chair of ITTRE Committee |
Thu, 02/18/2021 |
Climate & Environment |
Members of the European Parliament demand respect for the sovereign will of the Venezuelan people |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 01/11/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Global Europe |
Members of the European Parliament launch Forum for Sustainable Construction and Renovation |
Eurogypsum |
Mon, 06/18/2012 |
Climate & Environment |
Members of the European Parliament should support the harmonisation of national rules on roadworthiness testing for safer European roads |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Wed, 06/26/2013 |
Transport |
Members raise concern over German plans to introduce a road toll |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Thu, 03/16/2017 |
Transport |
Mental Health: The Unexplored Side of the 2025 Global Risks Report |
Z Zurich Foundation |
Wed, 01/15/2025 |
Health & Consumers |
MEP backs clearer food labelling |
Wed, 07/06/2011 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
MEP Bernd Koelmel: EU Budget 2017 leads into the right direction |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Thu, 06/30/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
MEP candidates challenged to speak out for the environment -BirdLife launches EU priorities for upcoming elections |
BirdLife International |
Tue, 04/07/2009 |
Health & Consumers |
MEP Cornelia Ernst will visit Lampedusa |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 05/11/2011 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
MEP Cristian-Silviu Bușoi organises first meeting of Eastern European gambling regulators in European Parliament |
Instinctif Partners |
Mon, 01/28/2019 |
Euro & Finance, Europe's East |
MEP Friends of the Liver event sheds light on Hepatitis C challenge in Central and South Europe |
MEP Friends of the Liver |
Thu, 03/23/2017 |
Health & Consumers |
MEP GUE/NGL Miguel Portas on EU Budget talks Stinginess trumps European solidarity |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 11/12/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
MEP Halla-aho: “One part of the failure is the lack of an effective returns policy” |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Thu, 09/15/2016 |
Justice & Home Affairs |