Pittella: Parliament backs radical asylum reform, finally removing first country of entry principle |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Global Europe |
DIE LINKE.: PESCO: Der Euro der Verteidigungspolitik |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Security |
DIE LINKE.: Ein anständigeres Asylsystem ist möglich - Ball im Feld der Mitgliedstaaten |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Global Europe |
DIE LINKE.: Panama Papers: Linker Erfolg nach Kampfabstimmung |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Euro & Finance, Global Europe |
Panama Papers: Left wing success in decisive vote |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
DIE LINKE.: ePrivacy: Meilenstein für den Datenschutz online |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
InfoSociety |
S&Ds make public health the priority and want the EU to phase out glyphosate |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
CCIA Tech Industry Delegation Meets Incoming Bulgarian EU Presidency |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
InfoSociety |
E-privacy: EPP caves to big business and blocks proposals to give citizens control of their confidential information online |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
InfoSociety |
Professional scepticism: inside the mind of the auditor |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
Adoption of the GEAR 2030 High Level Group Report: a stepping stone for future action |
ETRMA - The European Tyre & Rubber Manufacturers' Association |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Transport |
Progressive prime ministers emphasise need for European unity |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Thu, 10/19/2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Diverse and Affordable Parcel Delivery Services to Boost E-Commerce |
PostEurop |
Fri, 10/20/2017 |
Transport |
NABU fordert Neubewertung der Fehmarnbeltquerung |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Fri, 10/20/2017 |
Climate & Environment |
Genome editing: Science, policy, and security experts call for proactive international dialogue about security — and benefits |
Volkswagen Foundation, IAP and EASAC |
Fri, 10/20/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Science & Policymaking |
DIE LINKE.: „Konzerne auf Einhaltung der Menschenrechte verpflichten!“ |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Mon, 10/23/2017 |
Global Europe |
PES welcomes agreement on European social pillar |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Mon, 10/23/2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
NABU fordert Einstieg in den Ausstieg von Glyphosat |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Mon, 10/23/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
DIE LINKE.: Konsequent abrüsten! Atomwaffen verbieten! |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Mon, 10/23/2017 |
Security |
Environment Committee’s vote on RED II wrongly penalises conventional biofuels |
FEDIOL - Federation for European Oil and Proteinmeal Industry |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Climate & Environment |
S&Ds welcome breakthrough for equal pay for equal work as member states agree on new rules for posted workers, but warn against delays |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds want more ambitious legislation to promote the use of renewables |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Climate & Environment |
Arbitrary rule of not spending over 1% of GDP on EU budget must be scrapped |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
NABU: Bis zu 146.000 Vögel werden pro Jahr in Deutschland illegal getötet |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Climate & Environment |
S&Ds: Updated rules on fertilizers are a step towards circular economy |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
European Parliament backs EU-wide protection for whistleblowers |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
S&Ds win a big parliamentary victory to phase out glyphosate |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
S&Ds call on Commission to introduce national minimum-income schemes to protect Europeans from poverty |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Ambitious push measures need to be accompanied by pull measures |
FEAD - European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services |
Tue, 10/24/2017 |
Sustainable Dev. |
The withdrawal of the Bank Structural Reform file marks an unfortunate turning point in the European agenda on regulating large banks, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 10/25/2017 |
Euro & Finance |