CESI calls for solutions to tackle violence against police and other law-enforcement staff |
CESI - European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions |
Wed, 05/30/2012 |
Justice & Home Affairs, Security |
CESI (Confédération Européenne des Syndicats Indépendants) Supports Demand for Stronger Globalisation Fund |
CESI - European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions |
Wed, 09/14/2011 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Euro & Finance |
CES Publication alert - European View |
CES - Centre for European Studies |
Tue, 01/29/2013 |
Europe's East, EU Priorities 2020 |
CES Flash: Evros – the European Dream of Many |
CES - Centre for European Studies |
Wed, 03/02/2011 |
Social Europe & Jobs, EU Priorities 2020 |
Certification Board Announces Newly ‘Certified’ Products |
Cable Europe - European Cable Communications Association |
Tue, 07/24/2012 |
InfoSociety |
Cereal prices: EU farmers want to produce in a sustainable way |
Copa-Cogeca |
Wed, 12/17/2008 |
Health & Consumers, Agriculture & Food |
Cereal Partners Worldwide |
Thu, 11/19/2020 |
Health & Consumers |
Cerame-Unie welcomes EU Commission Communication on resource efficiency. |
Tue, 09/20/2011 |
Trade & Society, Energy |
Cerame-Unie welcomes EU Commission Communication on raw materials |
Mon, 02/07/2011 |
Energy, Trade & Society |
Cepi welcomes game-changing ideas to support the sustainability commitment of our industry |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Wed, 07/22/2020 |
Climate & Environment |
Cepi welcomes EU Commission plans to pave the way for the circular use of carbon |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Thu, 12/16/2021 |
Climate & Environment |
Cepi launches the third edition of REINVEST2050 |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Tue, 06/01/2021 |
Sustainable Dev. |
Cepi launches an LCA tool for paper products |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Thu, 07/16/2020 |
Climate & Environment |
CEPI is pleased with the adoption of the EU waste management legislation |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Wed, 06/18/2008 |
Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev. |
CEPI and EMCEF launch Social Dialogue of for the Paper Sector |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Tue, 12/08/2009 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Sustainable Dev. |
Cepi advocates for a liquid and competitive gas market to enable the green transition |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Thu, 12/16/2021 |
Energy |
CEOs urge politicians to move energy efficiency to the heart of Europe’s policy |
PU Europe |
Tue, 05/03/2011 |
Energy |
CEOs of leading ICT players gather at ETNO CEO Summit |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Tue, 10/27/2009 |
InfoSociety |
CEOs call on EU Heads of State: "Boost green growth with an ambitious 2030 renewables target" |
WindEurope |
Thu, 02/13/2014 |
Energy |
CEO Ren Zhengfei: New Zealand is one of Huawei’s most important strategic markets |
Fri, 05/10/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
Centre pour la Recherche économique en Europe (ZEW): Enquête auprès des parlementaires français et allemands |
Wed, 09/28/2016 |
Global Europe, Central Europe, Justice & Home Affairs, Security |
Centre for European Studies renamed in honour of its founder Wilfried Martens |
CES - Centre for European Studies |
Tue, 03/11/2014 |
EU Elections 2014, EU Priorities 2020 |
Central European University leaves Budapest – Dark Moment for Academic Freedom in Europe |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 12/05/2018 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Central European Countries Plan Extensive Cooperation for Rare Diseases |
EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein |
Wed, 08/26/2009 |
Health & Consumers |
Central & Eastern European patients have inequitable access to medicines for life-threatening conditions |
Medicines for Europe |
Mon, 04/25/2022 |
Health & Consumers |
CEN/CENELEC PR Roundtable |
Wed, 11/26/2008 |
Trade & Society |
CEN, CENELEC, EA, EURAMET, and WELMEC join forces to reinforce and promote the European Quality Infrastructure |
Fri, 03/15/2024 |
InfoSociety |
CEN, CENELEC and ETSI held a workshop on standards in support of the industrial data value chain |
Wed, 09/29/2021 |
InfoSociety |
CEN, CENELEC and ETSI discuss role of standards in support of EU Cybersecurity Strategy with Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes |
Thu, 04/03/2014 |
InfoSociety |
CEN, CENELEC and EFRAG join forces to foster synergies in sustainability reporting |
Wed, 02/28/2024 |
Sustainable Dev. |