More renewables mean huge investments, so don’t tamper with market rules |
WindEurope |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
Energy |
Keeping an eye on the security of supply in Europe: GIE AGSI+ Transparency Platform extends its coverage to 97% in EU27 |
GIE - Gas Infrastructure Europe |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
Position on the Evaluation Report of the Postal Services Directive |
PostEurop |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
InfoSociety |
PGE Group helps victims of war in Ukraine |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Borderless work: what will our future look like? S&D event - Thursday 10 March in Saarbrücken, Germany |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Large, European medicine donation to Ukraine |
Affordable Medicines Europe |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
Health & Consumers |
Wealthy Russians linked to Putin must be stripped of all rights bought through investment schemes |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 03/07/2022 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds in Hungary to promote democracy and social justice for all |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 03/04/2022 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
We must do our utmost to help those fleeing Ukraine, says Iratxe García from the Lonya region of Hungary-Ukraine border |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 03/04/2022 |
Global Europe |
EPA Statement on the situation in Ukraine |
EPA - European Psychiatric Association |
Thu, 03/03/2022 |
Global Europe |
The Carbon Trust launches new Route to Net Zero Standard, certifying the journey to climate leadership |
Carbon Trust |
Thu, 03/03/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
Statement on the war in Ukraine from the European Society of Endocrinology |
ESE - European Society of Endocrinology |
Thu, 03/03/2022 |
Global Europe |
Security of supply: Data provision for Ukrainian storage facilities temporarily suspended as of 3rd March 2022 |
GIE - Gas Infrastructure Europe |
Thu, 03/03/2022 |
Energy |
Join PES Women and Rainbow Rose for a feminist rallying call for equality |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Thu, 03/03/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Statement by Affordable Medicines Europe on the Russian invasion of Ukraine |
Affordable Medicines Europe |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
Open letter from the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) to condemn and take actions against the war in Ukraine and to ensure that health services can continue to provide care to its population |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
We believe in Europe more than ever #StandWithUkraine |
Energy Cities |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the impact on grains and oilseeds markets |
FEDIOL - Federation for European Oil and Proteinmeal Industry |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Trade & Society |
From Marseille, European cities and regions send a strong message of solidarity to Ukraine |
PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
Global supply chains face further turmoil in 2022 |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Trade & Society |
S&Ds urge Council to give its unanimous support for Ukraine refugee protection measures |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds in Hungary to promote democracy and social justice for all |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Eurefas - The European Refurbishment Association announces new members and the release of its first views on the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) at Mobile World Congress 2022 |
Eurefas |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Energy |
Europe’s building only half the wind energy it needs for the Green Deal, supply chain is struggling as a result |
WindEurope |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
Joint statement by energy intensive sectors in view of the vote on CBAM by the INTA Committee |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
S&D Group votes to postpone the European Court of Auditors' 2020 discharge to October |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
EU data confirms key contribution of biomethane to clean mobility |
EBA - European Biogas Association |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
A way out of the EU gas price crisis with biomethane |
EBA - European Biogas Association |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
Support five demo projects in the southern hemisphere |
EBA - European Biogas Association |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |