A step forward in the protection of vulnerable workers. The Parliament has finally backed S&Ds call for crackdown on precarious contracts |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 04/16/2019 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
A step forward in the fight against tax avoidance but more needs to be done, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 06/21/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs |
A step forward for the secure supply of medicines and manufacturing and for public health |
Medicines for Europe |
Wed, 10/25/2023 |
Health & Consumers |
A step forward for Roma and Sinti communities |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/10/2011 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
A standardization system fit for the future: CEN and CENELEC unveil their strategy 2030 |
Mon, 02/01/2021 |
InfoSociety |
A spring shower of promotions and good news at acumen public affairs! |
Acumen Public Affairs |
Wed, 04/03/2019 |
InfoSociety |
A special committee on glyphosate will be set up at the request of the S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 01/18/2018 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
A solution for at least 70,000 workers needed |
industriAll Europe |
Fri, 06/08/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
PostEurop |
Wed, 04/06/2022 |
Global Europe |
A Social Europe is where the UK should stay; Schengen area is vital |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Fri, 02/19/2016 |
Social Europe & Jobs, UK in Europe |
A small yet meaningful step towards a socially just transition |
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe |
Thu, 06/06/2024 |
InfoSociety |
A silver bullet for a circular economy? |
PlasticsEurope |
Fri, 10/16/2020 |
InfoSociety |
A severe threat to justice and rule of law in Romania |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Fri, 01/27/2017 |
Global Europe |
A series of EU Parliament votes on Fit for 55 sends wrong signals on industry decarbonisation & bioeconomy development |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
Thu, 05/19/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
A safer internet for children |
European Parliament |
Thu, 10/23/2008 |
Justice & Home Affairs, InfoSociety, Competition, Social Europe & Jobs |
A Safe Consumer is a Confident Consumer |
Direct Selling Europe |
Thu, 10/13/2011 |
Health & Consumers |
A robust budget is essential for the just transition to an environmentally and socially sustainable EU, says Iratxe García |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 10/09/2019 |
InfoSociety |
A reversal of thinking and approach is required! |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 11/16/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
A return to normality? Accountants and finance professionals see gathering momentum for the global economy in Q2 2021 |
Tue, 07/13/2021 |
Euro & Finance |
A real European union emerges to back nature |
BirdLife International |
Wed, 12/16/2015 |
Climate & Environment |
A promise made long ago finally kept! The European Parliament and the Council agree on EU visa liberalisation with Kosovo |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 12/14/2022 |
Global Europe |
A Parliamentary Intergroup on Cancer |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Tue, 02/04/2020 |
Health & Consumers |
A New Web Platform, a New Brand Identity for MarineLitterSolutions.com |
PlasticsEurope |
Wed, 03/23/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev. |
A new training module in the field of competition for European judges |
Mon, 03/13/2017 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
A New Street Style Icon Launched In Milan |
GE |
Wed, 06/08/2011 |
Energy |
A New Start for Services of General Interest in Europe: CEEP is now SGI Europe |
SGI Europe |
Wed, 12/09/2020 |
InfoSociety |
A new president for EREC |
EREC - European Renewable Energy Council |
Wed, 07/04/2012 |
Energy |
A new political force for a new economic deal |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Mon, 04/02/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
A new milestone : ONE PEOPLE, ONE PLANET forum in Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium |
One World - One Planet |
Wed, 08/31/2011 |
Climate & Environment |
A new management for EFET Deutschland to face the Energiewende (“Energy Turnaround”) |
EFET - European Federation of Energy Traders |
Mon, 04/08/2013 |
Energy, EU Priorities 2020, Trade & Society |