AESGP, EFPIA and Medicines for Europe reflections on the European Medicines Agency, the Heads of Medicines Agencies and the European Commission “Key principles for the use of electronic product information for EU medicines” |
Medicines for Europe |
03 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Cancer experts, patients and industry applaud Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and reemphasise the importance of measuring success |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
04 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Smarter use of generic, biosimilar and value added medicines will ensure equitable access to cancer care |
Medicines for Europe |
04 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Commission’s Beating Cancer Plan a positive step towards EU Health Union but needs more ambition |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
04 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
ECPC launches the HTA toolkit: “Patient Involvement in Health Technology Assessment” |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
05 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
T2EVOLVE: breakthrough alliance boosting Europe to the forefront of cancer immunotherapy |
05 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Impfdebakel: Aufklärung durch Untersuchungsausschuss |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
10 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds: we say NO to vaccine nationalism. Vaccination must speed up in the EU, and globally |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
10 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
„EU Plan for beating cancer - Is it the way forward and can it fulfil expectations?” |
EU40 |
12 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
European Commission’s investigation of Aspen: The company must reduce the prices of six life-saving cancer drugs |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
16 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds react to Commission proposal on vaccine strategy: “The pandemic is not over. We need to prepare for future challenges!” |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
17 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
A new medicines trade and health security agenda for the European Commission |
Medicines for Europe |
19 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
No further excuse to delay digital regulatory infrastructure for medicines after COVID-19 pandemic |
Medicines for Europe |
19 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Unlocking the potential of precision medicine in Europe – Improving cancer care through broader access to quality biomarker testing |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
23 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Protecting access to healthcare during COVID-19 and beyond |
Eurofound |
23 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
EU must address barriers to continuous off-patent innovation and grasp opportunity for patients and healthcare |
Medicines for Europe |
23 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds to the pharmaceutical companies CEOs: deliver the vaccines, not lame excuses! |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
25 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Smart policies will encourage more critical medicines manufacturing in Europe |
Medicines for Europe |
26 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Making the most of European Reference Networks for patients with rare cancers |
Intergroup on Challenge Cancer |
26 Feb 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
New report reveals need for pricing and reimbursement and procurement reforms to ensure patient access and healthcare sustainability |
Medicines for Europe |
01 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
March is Nutrition Awareness Month |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
02 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds: The EU4Health programme is a turning point to shape a true EU Health Union |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
09 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Transforming Breast Cancer Together |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
11 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
EU industrial policy can dramatically improve medicines manufacturing resilience and security of supply |
Medicines for Europe |
17 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Party of the European Left |
25 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
European Parliament votes to stop cancer at work and include hazardous drugs and reprotoxins in the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (CMD) |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
26 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
Stop Cancer at Work Campaign calls on European Commission to get on with including hazardous drugs in legislation now |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
30 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
New report assesses progress on biosimilar medicine policies across Europe |
Medicines for Europe |
30 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
What is efficient cancer care for All.Can? |
All.Can |
31 Mar 2021 |
Health & Consumers |
World Health Day: one million European citizens can trigger a radical turnaround in the healthcare system |
European Left |
06 Apr 2021 |
Health & Consumers |