There can be no second-class products, nor consumers, in the EU, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 07/12/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Silicon Valley is embracing EU's leadership in data protection and privacy, say S&D MEPs |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 07/20/2018 |
Health & Consumers, InfoSociety |
European Health Forum Gastein shortlists five projects for the European Health Award 2018 |
EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein |
Fri, 08/31/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds ensure products are safe for consumers and mutually recognised across the EU |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 09/04/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
S&D VPs in Silicon Valley: US tech companies must do more to allay EU citizens’ privacy concerns |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 09/06/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
ECPC Calls on European Parliament to deliver on the Work-Life Balance Directive |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Wed, 09/12/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
EU Terrorist Content Proposal, Good Intentions But Risks To Online Rights And Europe’s Tech Sector |
Wed, 09/12/2018 |
Health & Consumers, InfoSociety |
S&Ds lead the Parliament’s call for an effective use of antibiotics to avoid antimicrobial resistance |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 09/12/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
We need an EU system to assess medicines and medical treatments, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 09/13/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds call for more transparency in EU approval of pesticides to avoid another Glyphosate scandal |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 09/13/2018 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
Eight months ahead of the European Elections, Facebook has still not done enough to allay fears of electoral manipulation |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 09/13/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
EU comes one step closer to cooperation on Health Technology Assessment |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Fri, 09/14/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
SPC manufacturing waiver moves a step closer as influential European Parliament ENVI Committee supports reform |
Medicines for Europe |
Tue, 09/18/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
CJEU decision on Gilead’s SPC on Truvada® leads to successful clarification in English court |
Medicines for Europe |
Thu, 09/20/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds: Set our citizens free from pesticides in urban areas. The EU should invest more in networking best practices at European level |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 09/27/2018 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
European Health Forum Gastein 2018 opens its doors to inspire bold political choices for Agenda 2030 |
EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein |
Mon, 10/01/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
European Health Award 2018 goes to pan-European cancer research partnership |
EHFG - European Health Forum Gastein |
Wed, 10/03/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
World Sight Day: Statement on the role of medical technologies play on improving lives of people with visual impairment |
MedTech Europe |
Wed, 10/10/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Risk that European Council will “neuter” SPC manufacturing waiver and give foreign (non-EU) manufacturers strong advantage over EU-based manufacturers |
Medicines for Europe |
Fri, 10/12/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
US interference unacceptable in EU legislative proposal for an SPC manufacturing waiver |
Medicines for Europe |
Mon, 10/22/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds support the right to clean drinkable water for all |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/23/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Driving local excellence, delivering European results |
Medicines for Europe |
Tue, 11/06/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Value added medicines: Continuous innovation crucial to improve healthcare across Europe |
Medicines for Europe |
Wed, 11/21/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Health at a Glance Report highlights public value of generic, biosimilar and value added medicines |
Medicines for Europe |
Mon, 11/26/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Parliament’s Health Committee (ENVI) introduces constructive amendments to SPC Manufacturing waiver vote in its official opinion to the Parliament’s Legal Committee (JURI). |
Medicines for Europe |
Wed, 11/28/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Medicines for Europe welcomes Competitiveness Council discussion to stop delocalisation of medicine manufacturing. It is time to effectively position Europe as a global hub for the production of medicines. |
Medicines for Europe |
Fri, 11/30/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Parliament’s Trade Committee votes for jobs and access to medicines with a comprehensive SPC Manufacturing Waiver! |
Medicines for Europe |
Tue, 12/04/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Commissioner Andriukaitis commends breweries for progress on consumer information |
The Brewers of Europe |
Thu, 12/06/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Fairness and transparency for business users of online platforms must be guaranteed, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 12/06/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
FEDIOL welcomes a decisive step towards setting a regulatory limit on trans fatty acids |
FEDIOL - Federation for European Oil and Proteinmeal Industry |
Mon, 12/10/2018 |
Health & Consumers |