Wind industry unites to call for an ambitious 2030 renewables target
Over 150 companies representing every aspect of the wind energy sector from power producers to component manufacturers have joined a call on EU governments to set an ambitious renewables target for 2030.
Gathering in Barcelona for the industry's annual event, EWEA 2014, the 151 companies and organisations lent their names to a declaration addressed to EU heads of state and government, due to discuss 2030 climate and energy targets in ten days' time in Brussels.
"An ambitious target, binding on Member States, is the most cost efficient way to realise our goal of 100 percent renewables in the long term. Not to mention boosting a sector which provides 250,000 people with work in Europe", stated EWEA 2014 conference chair and managing director of ENERCON, Hans-Dieter Kettwig.
"This is a critical moment for the industry", pointed out European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) CEO Thomas Becker. "Will EU decision makers think long term and choose a framework that allows this sector to provide economic growth and energy security, or will they give in to the short-term interest of the fossil fuel industry?"
The EWEA Annual Event 2014 runs from 10 to 13 March in Barcelona.
More information: www.ewea.org/annual2014