UNESDA co-signs Circular Plastics Alliance Declaration
Brussels, 20 September 2019; Today, UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe co-signed the Circular Plastics Alliance Declaration at a launch event held in the presence of Commission First Vice-President, Frans Timmermans and representatives from across the value chain.
UNESDA joined stakeholders including FoodDrinkEurope, EFBW and EUROPEN in co-signing the Declaration which commits signatories to the Commission objective of having 10 million tons of recycled plastics in products by 2025, and to delivering on the broader objectives of the Circular economy.
“The European soft drinks industry is accelerating its efforts to advance the circular economy in Europe, and we are pleased to sign and support this important declaration,” said UNESDA President, Tim Brett. “Packaging waste is a serious and complex societal challenge that our industry is prioritising and has set clear ambitions that we aim to achieve. We look forward to working with other private and public sector partners through the Circular Plastics Alliance to drive innovation and progress in how waste is collected, and can be recycled and re-used throughout Europe to ensure lasting change.”
The sector has also written to the Commission stressing that its focus within the different areas of the Declaration will be on contributing to:
- developing CEN and industry standards and supporting the update of recycling guidelines;
- increasing and optimising collection and sorting in all EU markets in collaboration with other packaging recovery actors; and
- increasing uptake of recycled plastics – bearing in mind that higher levels of recycled PET requires greater availability of an economic and compliant supply of food-grade quality material.
In the letter UNESDA suggest a specific Packaging working group be created within the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) in order to address these issues, and declares its interest in working within such a group.
UNESDA has been a part of the CPA since its creation earlier this year and contributed to the working groups in developing actions and next steps. UNESDA announced its specific ambitions in the area of plastic packaging in September which are that:
- By 2025:
- 100% of soft drinks primary plastic packaging will be recyclable and
- soft drinks PET bottles will contain an average minimum 25% recycled content;
- Collection rates of soft drinks primary plastic packaging for recycling will be further increased and optimised; and
- Soft drinks primary plastic packaging will be reused – including refillable bottles – where it makes environmental and economic sense.
For further information please contact:
Ms Sam Rowe, UNESDA communications, srowe@unesda.eu; +32 475 361286
UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe represents the European soft drinks industry. Established in Brussels since 1958 the association gathers 11 corporate members and 23 national associations. Soft drinks which fall under the UNESDA scope include still drinks, fruit drinks, carbonates, sports drinks, flavoured waters, iced teas and coffees, dilutables and energy drinks. UNESDA is signatory to the EU Transparency register, No. 25492952296-56. For more information see www.unesda.eu