Ukraine: EPP Group in the OSCE-PA raises concerns about Yulia Tymoshenko's conditions of detention
On the sidelines of the Winter Meeting of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE-PA), which was held last week in Vienna, the EPP and like-minded Group reiterated EPP’s support to former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and voiced great concerns about the conditions of her detention.
Specifically, the EPP and like-minded Group adopted a resolution (see attachment) to express its “worries about her health situation” and to ask “the government of Ukraine to provide the best possible medical care by a medical team nominated by her.” The text also expresses its regret on “the constant violation of the fundamental Human Rights regarding her trial, the lack of Justice and the lack of respect to the Rules of International Rights,” and that “Ukraine is weakened by one group controlling politics and influencing the judiciary.”
The EPP and like-minded Group of the OSCE-PA, led by Sweden's Walburga Habsburg Douglas, is the organization's largest political group with parliamentarians from 56 OSCE Member States.
Note to editors:
The EPP is the largest and most influential European-level political party of the centre-right, which currently includes 75 member-parties from 40 countries, the Presidents of the European Commission and the European Council, 17 EU and 6 non-EU heads of state and government, 13 members of the European Commission and the largest Group in the European Parliament.
For more information:
Kostas Sasmatzoglou, EPP Spokesman, Tel. +32-2-2854147
Javier Jiménez, EPP Senior Press and Communication Officer, Tel. +32-475480446