Towards a new European Affordable Housing Plan - FIEC position on Housing
Tue, 12/17/2024
FIEC publishes proposals for the "European Affordable Housing Plan"
On 16 December, FIEC published a Position Paper with its proposals for the forthcoming EU Affordable Housing Plan. FIEC points out that the current housing crisis - which affects all EU countries - is due, amongst other factors, to high building costs, combined with a credit crunch and a heavy regulatory and administrative environment for construction companies.
Interpreting affordable housing as a broad and flexible concept, which needs to take into account the national specificities, FIEC presents its proposals to boost the offer and support the demand, with “simplification” as a keyword.
In particular, FIEC calls for:
- A coordinated approach to drive tailor-made housing-friendly reforms under the responsibility and competency of Member States.
- The mobilisation of both private and public investment.
- Prudential rules imposed by Basel III to be eased, in order to mobilise private investment.
- Improved access to mortgage loans for households and young people.
- A streamlined regulatory and administrative working environment for construction companies, with clear rules which can accelerate construction processes, lower building costs and eventually create overall affordability.
- Greater support to research and innovation, as well as digitalisation, through EU funds to increase the productivity of the construction industry.
- All relevant actors to further work on raising the attractivity of the sector to tackle the shortage of skilled labour.
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