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Strong performance by Commissioner-designate Julian King


Tue, 09/13/2016


Justice & Home Affairs

Strasbourg, 12th September 2016 -- Sir Julian King has put in a strong performance at his confirmation hearing this evening, Timothy Kirkhope MEP, ECR Group spokesman on home affairs, said tonight.

Sir Julian was grilled by the civil liberties and home affairs committee on his suitability for the portfolio of 'Security Union', spearheading the EU's efforts to improve cooperation between police and intelligence services in the face of Europe's growing terror threat.

Lord Kirkhope attended the meeting as one of his last acts as an MEP, before assuming his new seat in the British Parliament later this year.

Speaking afterwards, he said:

"Sir Julian had a very strong job interview before the committee, showing that he already knows the brief very well.

"I was impressed that most of Sir Julian's answers focused on offering tangible support for intelligence sharing and police cooperation today, not abstract new structures that might be created in the distant future.

"It's clear that being the UK Commissioner will not be a walk in the park, but Sir Julian was right to say that the UK has played, and will continue to play, a major role in European security and intelligence cooperation even after we leave the EU.  

"The ECR Group will discuss Sir Julian's performance tomorrow night, and I will be recommending we support him in Thursday's confirmation vote."


Contact: Timothy Kirkhope on +33388175321

ECR Press Office, James Holtum on +32 473 861762;

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