S&Ds demand a peaceful political process to re-establish the constitutional order in Venezuela
Thu, 01/24/2019
Public Affairs
The Group of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today rejected all use of violence and called for free and credible elections as soon as possible to restore the constitutional order in Venezuela. It recognises the value and the political importance of the Venezuelan people’s mobilisation yesterday in defence of democracy and the rule of law. It restates its support for the democratically elected National Assembly and demands that all its powers are restored.
S&D vice-president Elena Valenciano said:
"We deeply regret the loss of human lives, and we express our solidarity with the families of those killed and those wounded. “The European Union and its member states must remain united in their support of a return to democratic normality and to the constitutional order in Venezuela through a peaceful and calm political process.
“Our political group, just like all the EU institutions, does not recognise the organisation nor the result of the last presidential elections in Venezuela. Yet, the restoration of the leadership and authority in the country must be achieved in full respect of the country’s constitution. No quick or imposed solution will be able to resolve this grave situation.
“For the sake of the Venezuelan people we hope that a political process will start as soon as possible and lead to free and credible elections. We call for the re-establishment of the constitutional order and for new free and fair elections to be held, with truly independent international observation.”
Wed, 03/05/2025 - 01:00
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