S&D leader calls for tangible social legislation after Draghi’s report


Mon, 09/09/2024


Social Europe & Jobs

After today’s presentation of Draghi’s report on the future of Europe’s competitiveness, Iratxe García defines the report as a “starting point in defining the challenges we are facing and a good way to kick off the new legislative period with ideas on how to modernise our economy and accelerate the green and just transition”. However, García warns “competitiveness needs to be for everybody – based on well-being and social progressShe notes that this follows Enrico Letta’s earlier report on the future of the Single Market, offering solutions across various policy areas – “It ensures continuity with Letta’s efforts,” she states. 

S&D Group president, Iratxe García, said: 

The report presents a realistic analysis of the challenges the European Union is facing from an economic, social and environmental perspective. Now, we need to work on the solutions to these challenges. 

We are glad to see some of the S&D Group’s priorities in the report, such as the decarbonisation of the EU economy and the need for a green industrial strategy; the engagement with European values such as social equality, equity and quality public services; and finally, the call for common EU funding to bridge the investment gap and the financing needed for the just, green and digital transition. 

However, putting these ideas on paper is not enough, now we urge the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyenand the future College of Commissioners into action. We need tangible legislation and concrete solutions to the challengeour Union and citizens are facing. We expect the social model to be at the core of EU policymaking and translated into concrete legislation. Competitiveness should benefit everyone and be grounded in well-being and social progress. 

It is time to act. We need to increase the EU’s investment capacity with common EU funding and a strong budget, while advancing on the social deal and not setting back EU green goals. The progressives will be looking for this commitment from the candidates of the College of Commissioners in the upcoming hearings in the European Parliament.


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