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S&D Group denounces weakened Euro 7 standards


Thu, 10/12/2023


Global Europe
Air pollution claims the lives of around 300,000 people prematurely every year in the EU. This is both a serious concern and a significant threat to public health. The Socialists and Democrats believe that mitigating emissions from cars and vans is the most effective way to clean the air.
Today, liberal, conservative and far-right MEPs have chosen to significantly lower the ambition of the Euro 7 standards in the European Parliament’s environment committee, offering little to no substantial improvements on Euro 6. As a result, the S&D Group has decided not to support the draft report.
National, regional and local authorities have a responsibility to address air quality issues. The absence of ambitious Euro 7 standards will likely result in the imposition of more stringent measures on older cars, including the creation of zero-emission zones in cities. These measures will disproportionately affect those who own older cars and individuals who drive into cities, particularly low and lower-middle income groups.
Christel Schaldemose, S&D negotiator on the draft report on Euro 7, said: 
“The deal in the European Parliament is not worthy of being labelled as Euro 7. It offers only minor improvements to current regulations, which will not significantly enhance air quality. We, as progressives, are committed to fighting for better air quality for our citizens. Unfortunately, liberal Renew has struck a deal with conservative EPP, along with right wing ECR and ID, which will not lead to substantial improvements in air quality.
“We urgently need to address air pollution. If we, as MEPs, fail to do so, others will be compelled to take action to reduce pollution. It will be cities and governments that will impose taxes on older cars and establish zero-emission zones. We believe that the industry also needs to play its part by delivering cleaner cars and trucks. The consequence of the deal Renew made with EPP, ECR and ID is evident: the industry and the European Parliament will not deliver on air quality!”
Note to editors:
The European Commission notably proposed stringent limits for cold start emissions for trucks – which pose the most significant problem – especially in urban areas. They also introduced a new testing methodology designed to cover all stages of emissions. Regrettably, the draft report only averages emission limits, which allows cold start emissions to remain unacceptably high. It also reintroduces laboratory testing as in Euro VI. For the S&D Group, this lowering of limits and relaxation of testing requirements is unacceptable, as it will undermine much-needed efforts to improve air quality.


European University Institute (EUI)
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Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
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