Romanian Health Forum: key debates regarding the future of Romanian health policies
Prof Vasile Puscas, Former Chief Negotiator with the EU: “Talking about health policies in EU is extremely welcomed now, in Brussels”
Although healthcare delivery and organization is in the hands of member states, the EU plays an important role in securing long term vision and sustainability of healthcare and the need to reflect healthcare needs in all fields of EU policies. However EU is interested for the gaps between countries to be closed as much as possible.
Giving this, Tarus Media organizes Monday, April 12, 2010, in Brussels, Renaissance Hotel, the first Romanian Health Forum - Perspectives on the European Health Policies; Opportunities and Challenges for the Central European Countries.
Over 90 participants from Romania, Italy, Belgium, UK and Austria along with representatives from the European Commission, the Romanian Health Ministry, the National Health Insurance House, CEOs, hospital managers, NGO representatives and many more will debate on the key issues the Romanian health system is facing today, in Romania and the UE:
• A better efficiency of the system
• Financing the system
• Short term strategical objectives
The event will set up a framework of continuing stakeholders’ dialogue about healthcare and reforms/healthcare financing.
Prof. Vasile Puscas, Former ChiefNegotiator to the European Union: "When we say <<Citizen’s Europe>> and <<Social Europe>>, when we talk about the <<European model>> it means that we refer to European public goods including infrastructure and accessibility to health care facilities or education. <<Europeanizing>> and << more of Europe>> not only refer to a broader regulatory process, but also concern European authorities and those of Member States to implement better quality standards in the field of European public goods. The <<Romanian Health Forum >> initiated by Tarus Media and partners in Brussels and Bucharest intends to bring to our attention that European and global solutions to international economic crisis must include and emphasize the importance of creating European public goods. This can also be done through health policies in the European Union."
Among participants:
- Prof. VASILE PUSCAS, former Chief Negotiator with the European Union
- Dr. Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, Director, Health Directorate DG Research European Commission
- ( ENVI)
*You can find the agenda of the event here: http://bruxelles.tarusmedia.ro/Program.html
For press accreditations: Johana Toma, Johana.toma@gmail.com or johana.toma@tarus.eu