Radio spectrum: Good news for the European economy. Gunnar Hökmark MEP
"Today's unanimous endorsement by the Industry, Research and Energy Committee on the agreement reached with the Council Presidency on the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme is good news for the European economy. I am very glad that the committee has endorsed our ambitious approach that sets world leading targets. This will allow the EU to take the global lead on broadband speeds, mobility, coverage and capacity", said Gunnar Hökmark MEP, Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament and Parliament's Rapporteur on the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme.
"The Parliament has managed to impose a very ambitious agenda for the first RSPP, speeding up the development of mobile broadband", Hökmark stressed.
"The freeing up of the 800MHz frequency band for use of wireless broadband services by 1 January 2013 will create a pan-European telecommunications market where new services can create opportunities and growth for 500 million EU consumers. The European Parliament has successfully managed to defend the 1 January 2013 deadline to ensure that all EU Member States make this band available for wireless broadband."
"At least 1200MHz of spectrum should be identified for wireless data traffic by 2015, enabling the EU to be the world leader of the future development regarding internet and broadband. The Commission should assess whether there is a need to harmonise additional spectrum bands no later than 1 January 2015. These are crucial ingredients in managing the exponential growth in wireless data traffic."
"The European Parliament has also succeeded in imposing an increase of the existing use of spectrum from 400MHz to 6GHz, to create a flexible and coordinated European spectrum policy where inefficient use of spectrum is addressed and where the exponential growth of wireless data traffic can be met by future re-allocations", Hökmark MEP said.
"I would like to thank the shadow rapporteurs, Madame Trautmann, Mr Rohde, Mr Lambert and Mr Chiechester, as well as the chairman of the ITRE Committee Mr Reul, for a very constructive and helpful cooperation throughout this process", Hökmark concluded.
For further information:
Gunnar HÖKMARK MEP, Tel: +32-2-2845822
Per Heister, EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-496-645530
Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 264 Members.