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Public Services Providers express mixed feelings on the “SGI package”


Wed, 12/21/2011


Social Europe & Jobs

Responding to the adoption by the European Commission (EC) of a range of proposals impacting public services, Ralf Resch, General Secretary of CEEP, declared "Our members  acknowledge the publication of the package with mixed feelings".  

CEEP welcomes the revision of state aid rules, but insists on further clarifications. The main focus is an adequate definition of the de minimis exemption. 

CEEP  welcomes  the  modernisation  of  public  procurement  rules,  including proposals sanctioning violations of mandatory social, labour or environmental law. This is a good step toward a strategic use of public procurement which should not be outweighed by putting additional burden on the providers of essential public services, i.a. by the mandatory division into lots. 

CEEP has always expressed its doubts about the added value of an initiative on concessions. However, CEEP is determined to invest all the necessary efforts to ensure that legislation will finally best respond to the needs of public services providers and employers. In this regard,  we welcome the recognition of the freedom and the remit of contracting authorities when performing public interest tasks. We also strongly welcome the introduction of an "in-house" clause. These points have been made by CEEP since more than 5 years, and we will work with the co-legislators to further sharpen the definition. 

CEEP takes note of the Communication of the EC on a Quality Framework for SGIs, although the result is disappointing. The Communication is far from providing the  coherent and specific approach on SGIs that we deem necessary. Therefore, we will pursue our current work on the "Acquis plus” and the use of the new provisions of the Treaty, hoping that this will be for the European Commissiona source of inspiration for future initiatives.

For further information, please contact:  

Valeria RONZITTI, CEEP Director - tel. +32 (0) 2 219 27 98 

CEEP gathers enterprises and organisations from across Europe, both public and private, at national, regional and local level, which are public employers or providers of services of general interest. CEEP members employ a quarter of the EU workforce; CEEP is one of the three European Social Partners.



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