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PU Europe welcomes agreement on Buildings directive


Thu, 11/19/2009



The Trilogue agreement of 17th November on the recast Energy Performance of Buildings directive is good news for the energy efficiency of Europe’s buildings and a strong message to the COP 15 negotiations starting on 7th December in Copenhagen.

PU Europe applauds the strong will of all those involved in the negotiations to reach an ambitious compromise on a complex matter within a short period of time. In particular, the European Parliament, led by rapporteur Silvia-Adriana Ticau, has shown real determination
throughout the process.

PU Europe welcomes in particular the following elements of the recast directive:

• Introduction of a binding path towards very low energy buildings: from the end of 2020, all new buildings must have “nearly zero energy” demand. Whilst a closer date
would have been preferable, this provision will certainly give a boost to the development of innovative building design solutions.

• Obligation to establish minimum performance requirements for building elements and obligation to upgrade building envelop elements when they are retrofitted or replaced
so that they meet minimum energy performance requirements.

• Removal of the 1000m² threshold for major renovations so that refurbishment will lead to compliance with minimum efficiency requirements for almost all buildings.

• Obligation for Member States to report on financial instruments designed to stimulate energy efficiency investments. This will put problems relating to the upfront financing of energy efficiency improvements in a spotlight of national policy agendas.

In addition, PU Europe strongly supports the agreed provision on the display of the Energy Performance Certificates in commercial and public buildings, the leading role of public authorities in implementing the recommendations on the Energy Performance Certificate
and the obligation to inform buyers and tenants about the efficiency rating and proposed improvement measures.

National governments must now take the necessary steps to ensure full and timely implementation of the directive.

For more details, please contact PU Europe
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