Photovoltaic and Battery Sectors recognize the key role of Energy Storage in the future development of photovoltaic power
“Energy storage technology will become an important, value-added component in photovoltaic (PV) systems in the future and will contribute to the continuous long term growth of PV”. That is the conclusion reached by a joint working group convened by EPIA (European Photovoltaic Industry Association) and EUROBAT (Association of European Storage Battery Manufacturers).
Based on estimations of cost models and market potentials, The EPIA/Eurobat working group is investigating the future role of energy storage in on-grid PV installations to determine under which circumstances it will become economically beneficial. Whereas energy storage is already widely used within photovoltaic (PV) off-grid installations, its role in on-grid applications is more complex to assess. The initial findings show that energy storage in combination with decentralized PV installations could add value by making on-grid PV more attractive in the future to both consumers and utilities. This will help to achieve environmental targets, accelerate the penetration of renewables, increase energy efficiency and reduce fossil fuels consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions.