PES Ministers - the Youth Guarantee is a success story: it must be extended
PES Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs met on 12 October in Luxembourg to discuss the future of the European Youth Guarantee.
In 2012, the PES successfully campaigned for a European Youth Guarantee to ensure that every young person under the age of 25 receives either a job, apprenticeship or traineeship offer, or a place in continued education within four months after finishing school or becoming unemployed. Having since pushed for its comprehensive implementation, the Ministers welcome the evaluation of the Youth Guarantee that the European Commission published on 4 October.
The PES Ministers today [adopted a Declaration to] underscore[d] the commitment of the entire PES family to a permanent and extended European Youth Guarantee, with a re-funding of 20 billion EUR for the Youth Employment Initiative until 2020. PES Ministers emphasise that adequate funding is mandatory to ensure good quality and sustainable offers, including those for traineeships and apprenticeships; it is essential to widen the scope of beneficiaries to include everyone under the age of 30, particularly focusing on vulnerable groups; and to strengthen national implementation.
Nicolas Schmit, Chairperson of the PES Social and Employment Ministers Network, said: “According to the Commission, over 9 million young people have benefited from the Youth Guarantee so far. Who can deny that it is a success story?
We welcome the Commission’s positive assessment, but we do not understand the reverse logic of simultaneously cutting the funding for the Youth Employment Initiative. The proposed 2 billion EUR for the 2017-2020 period constitutes an effective cut of over three-quarter compared to the 2014-2016 funding period.
The Youth Guarantee is a structural reform, it requires continued political and financial commitment. We are committed to continue its success story. We want it to be a stepping stone available for all young people entering the labour market and a stepping stone for the EU towards a more social agenda.”
Check the PES ministerial declaration Youth guarantee adopted here.