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Otto von Habsburg: EPP Group mourns a true European. Joseph Daul MEP


Mon, 07/04/2011

Following the death of Otto von Habsburg, the Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Joseph Daul MEP, said:

"Otto von Habsburg embodied the history of European integration like no-one else. The son of the last Austro-Hungarian emperor fought all his life for democracy, freedom, and an understanding of the peoples of Europe. From the beginnings of the movement for European integration following the end of World War II until the now-famous Paneuropean picnic on the border between Austria and Hungary in 1989, he succeeded in overcoming borders and showing Europeans a way forward to a common future.

Otto von Habsburg was elected to the European Parliament at the first direct elections in 1979 and for the following 20 years worked tirelessly to help strengthen the European Institutions. His main interests were in European integration and foreign policy.

The EPP Group is mourning a true European, a convinced fighter for democracy and freedom, and a very good friend."

For further information:

Joseph DAUL MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, Tel: +33-3-88175525

Antoine Ripoll, Chairman's Spokesman, Tel: +32-475-856290

Notes to Editors:

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 264 Members.


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