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Operators, Manufacturers Call on EU to Make “Coexistence” Cornerstone of Spectrum Policy


Thu, 02/23/2012



Following adoption of EU spectrum policy programme, key players ask for management of coexistence between new & existing services, equipment

(Brussels, 23 February) Cable Europe and ZVEI -German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers´ Association call on the European Commission to ensure that any second Digital Dividend gained from potential spectrum reallocations in the 700MHz band ensures practical coexistence between new mobile services and the existing equipment and services already providing European consumers and business with connectivity.

Millions of consumer households stand to benefit from a holistic review of how new and existing services and equipment can coexist rather than interfere with one another.  As with the first Digital Dividend, there has been no mention of further study regarding the impact these mobile services could have on other electronic equipment and services currently deployed by European consumer. Without the recognition of this issue and a comprehensive assessment being carried out, investments made by European consumer and businesses may be at risk for equipment or services already purchased. This could also carry the potential of affecting future investment decisions whether it be for consumer or business until a solution or contingency plan is agreed upon. 

With the recent formal adoption of the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, a multitude of concerned stakeholders including technology hardware manufacturers, PMSE and live performance representatives, cable operators and decision makers highlighted the opportunities brought about by coexistence. The risk of one technology interfering with another existing technology runs counter to the aims of greater connectivity spelled out in Europe’s ambitious Digital Agenda which we fully support.

As we move to a potential second Digital Dividend, it is vital to ensure that no question remains as to what happens or who is liable should harmful interference occur. That question, following the adoption of the RSPP this week, remains unanswered today.

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For more information, please contact:

ZVEI- German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, Consumer Electronics Division

Dr. Alexander Pett

Managing Director

M: +49 69 6302 289


Cable Europe | Cable Europe Labs

Gregg Svingen

Director of Communications

M: +32 476 490 603


About ZVEI

The 'ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.', the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, represents the economic, technological and environmental policy interests of the German electrical and electronics industry at the national, European and international levels. It provides specific information about the economic, technical and regulatory framework conditions of the electrical industry in Germany.

About Cable Europe                                   

Cable Europe is a trade association that groups all leading broadband cable TV operators and their national associations throughout Europe. The European cable TV industry provides digital TV, broadband Internet and telephony services to more than 73 million customers.


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