New standard for common mobile chargers Towards global relevance for smartphones compatible chargers
Brussels (11 January 2011) - A first step to benefit European consumers was achieved with the publication of a new standard for a common mobile charger, EN 62684, that was developed by CENELEC, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, following a request from the European Commission. Consumers will not have to change charger anymore when buying a new phone even when from a different brand.
Indeed, in November 2009, CENELEC accepted a Mandate from the European Commission to issue a standard dealing with interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones. A dedicated Task Force was set up (CLC/BTTF 135-1) for the development of this European Standard under the Convenorship of CENELEC’s co-operating Partner Digitaleurope, led by Mr Stephen Colclough of Samsung Electronics.
As a reminder, in June 2009, the European Commission concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with fourteen leading mobile phone producers in which they all agreed to harmonise chargers for data-enabled mobile phones to be sold in the European Union. The intention of the MoU is to reduce the amount of waste by enabling users to use the charger from an old phone with a new phone when they change phones. Therefore, in the CENELEC BTTF 135-1 activities, the companies that undersigned the agreement regarding harmonisation of a charging capability for mobile phones (as stipulated in the mandate) were ensured due participation.
The new standard specifies the common charging capability and interface requirements for external power supplies to be used with data enabled mobile phones. The interface is largely based on USB specifications with some additions particularly required for operation with touch telephones.
The work that was initially started as a CENELEC initiative (EN 50498), was soon taken on board by IEC, and CENELEC Technical Board decided to allocate the international number to the standard i.e. EN 62684, instead of the European number EN 50498, hence putting the accent on the global relevance of the standard.
EN 62684:2010 “Interoperability specifications of common external power supply (EPS) for use with data-enabled mobile telephones” was published on 10 December 2010.
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For further information, please contact:
Celine Oeyen
Manager Communication
Tel.: +32 2 519 68 85
E-mail: coeyen@cencenelec.eu
The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization is officially responsible for standardization in the electrotechnical field. In an ever more global economy, CENELEC fosters innovation and competitiveness, making technology available not only to major businesses but also to SMEs through the production of voluntary standards. CENELEC creates market access at the European level but also at the international level through its cooperation agreement with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
Through the work of its 31 Members together with its experts, the industry federations and consumers, Electrotechnical European Standards are created in order to help shape the European Internal Market, to encourage technological development, to ensure interoperability and to guarantee the safety and health of consumers and provide environmental protection.
Detailed information available at www.cenelec.eu