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New rules to improve shareholder engagement and corporate governance reporting


Wed, 04/09/2014


Euro & Finance
9 April 2014

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) welcomes the company law and corporate governance package, adopted today by the European Commission

Following the Communication on the long-term financing of the European economy, published on 27 March 2014, today’s package includes the proposal to revise the Shareholder Rights Directive, the proposal for a Directive on single-member companies and the Recommendation on the quality of corporate governance reporting (“comply or explain”).

John Davies, Head of Technical at ACCA says: “The proposal for the revision of the Shareholders Rights Directive is a step forward towards increasing transparency as regards shareholder identification and shareholder oversight on directors’ remuneration and related party transactions. A strong call has been made to ensure shareholders gain timely access to information.”

“The proposed ‘say on pay’ will give shareholders a new right to influence and approve their company’s remuneration policy, which will have to explain how the company believes pay practices will contribute to its long-term and sustainable development. This amounts to a practical commitment to the encouragement of a longer-term business focus, and is a welcome reform in that context. ACCA believes that it is important to encourage shareholder commitment that is in line with long-term company interests and ensures better operating conditions for listed companies,” explains John Davies.

The recommendation on corporate governance calls for more detailed explanations to be given by companies that depart from the provisions of a relevant corporate governance code, and for member state governments to monitor compliance.  

“This initiative does not restrict the freedom for companies to choose not to comply with a standard provision of a non-mandatory corporate governance code, but instead calls on them to be forthcoming about why they decide to do so. This will allow shareholders to make their own judgments about whether a company’s action merits support or not. It will be vital though that appropriate monitoring takes place to ensure that companies are responding to the new recommendation.”   

The proposal for new legislation on the single member company aims to make it easier for very small businesses to set up and operate, especially in respect of cross-border trading. “This will bring about a standardization of company law requirements throughout the EU so that entrepreneurs and parent companies can set up operations in different countries in accordance with similar rules. This in itself will be good for the promotion of business activity. However it will be important to ensure that adequate safeguards are available to protect the interests of who do business with these new companies,” says John Davies.

“It is essential for Europe to create a modern and efficient company law and governance framework. ACCA welcomes cost-efficient company law solutions that will contribute to competitiveness and long-term performance. However, we believe that different economic environments in Europe must be acknowledged and companies have to be provided with flexibility by allowing them to manage their corporate governance according to their specificities in each member state,” concludes John Davies.


For more information, please contact:

Vikte Andrijauskaite -
Direct: +32 (0) 2 286 11 37
Twitter @ACCANews

Notes to Editors

1.     ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. We aim to offer business-relevant, first-choice qualifications to people of application, ability and ambition around the world who seek a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management.

2.     We support our 162,000 members and 428,000 students in 173 countries, helping them to develop successful careers in accounting and business, with the skills required by employers. We work through a network of 91 offices and centres and more than 8,500 Approved Employers worldwide, who provide high standards of employee learning and development. Through our public interest remit, we promote appropriate regulation of accounting and conduct relevant research to ensure accountancy continues to grow in reputation and influence.

3.     Founded in 1904, ACCA has consistently held unique core values: opportunity, diversity, innovation, integrity and accountability. We believe that accountants bring value to economies in all stages of development and seek to develop capacity in the profession and encourage the adoption of global standards. Our values are aligned to the needs of employers in all sectors and we ensure that through our qualifications, we prepare accountants for business. We seek to open up the profession to people of all backgrounds and remove artificial barriers, innovating our qualifications and delivery to meet the diverse needs of trainee professionals and their employers. 


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