Moldova-EU Club Proposes 10 Key Benchmarks for Moldova's EU Accession Negotiations
Brussels, 21 June 2024
The opening of accession negotiations for the Republic of Moldova to the EU is a historic and unprecedented event that must be approached with the utmost responsibility. To ensure the success of this endeavour, the "Moldova-EU" Club proposes 10 benchmarks to steer the entire negotiation process until the Republic of Moldova becomes a full EU Member State.
- The Republic of Moldova should enshrine EU integration as a strategic priority in its Constitution for both foreign and domestic policy, aiming for full membership by 2030.
- While the accession negotiation mechanism has a strong institutional component, the entire Moldovan society needs to be included and involved in this process. We recommend the continued inclusion of civil society, non-parliamentary political parties, the business community, local authorities, the media, and other stakeholders in the European integration process.
- The Republic of Moldova needs a strong national country brand and an economic specialization in order to have a competitive advantage on the EU market, transitioning from a service-based economy to a production-oriented one.
- Judicial reform and the fight against corruption remain crucial for the credibility of the Republic of Moldova as a candidate state in the negotiation process, both for EU institutions and for EU Member States.
- Strengthen the capacity of public institutions to efficiently implement the EU acquis and standards, as well as to manage the complexity of negotiation processes, is crucial for Moldova's readiness as a future EU Member State.
- Moldovans with diverse expertise from the diaspora should be involved in the country's European integration and reformation processes, including through their participation in cooperation platforms with the Moldovan government.
- The European space is guided by fundamental values that must be understood from the pre-accession period for the country's full integration into the EU. Strengthening and fortifying a continuous and effective strategic communication process at national level are necessary to highlight the tangible benefits of European integration for all Moldovans and to promote the legitimacy of the reforms undertaken.
- The neutrality of the Republic of Moldova does not imply a lack of investments and reforms in the field of national security and defence. We recommend that the authorities of the Republic of Moldova continue strategic cooperation with Western partners in this regard. The political class and the entire society should find a consensus regarding the future of the security of the Republic of Moldova.
- Identifying viable solutions to the Transnistrian conflict remains a national priority, including by continuing the processes of economic and political integration of the Transnistrian region.
- Romania remains the Republic of Moldova's number one strategic partner within the EU, thus cooperation with Romania should be intensified at bilateral level, both politically and economically.
More information about the "Moldova-EU" Club Brussels can be requested at +32.493.936.789 (Alexandrina Robu-Cepoi) and email club.moldova.ue@gmail.com.
Note: The "Moldova-EU" Club Brussels is an independent group of Moldovan experts who live and work in Belgium, many of the members being directly involved in activities specific to the European capital. The Club is financially independent, non-religious, non-political, and independent of any government structure or political party in Moldova or the EU. Its main goal is to contribute to promoting the image of Moldova in the EU. The Club does not engage in commercial activities and does not seek to make a material profit.