Maintaining the Union at the UPU
Thu, 09/26/2019
Global Europe
European Postal Operators welcome the decision taken on International Postal Rates
Brussels, 25 September 2019. Members of PostEurop welcome the decision taken to maintain the union during the UPU Extraordinary Congress meeting in Geneva yesterday. This was the outcome when UPU members reached an agreement to allow the phased introduction of self-declared rates for every country, also known as "Option V".
Last year, an in-depth review of the current postal remuneration system began. Since then, the European postal operators, representing more than half of the world’s postal traffic, have been engaged in the postal dialogue leading up to the UPU Extraordinary Congress this week. Several options (A, B and C) were studied and scrutinized by all parties. This has led to the current compromise version which allows the phased introduction of self-declared rates for the e-commerce items delivery with a structured transitional period over the coming years.
“Maintaining the Union is a priority for all PostEurop Members” explains Jean-Paul Forceville, Chairman of PostEurop. “Our members are key contributors to the world economy and the remuneration discussions have a global impact on posts and their customers. Therefore, we welcome the consensual decision taken at the UPU Congress to maintain a union with all its members, in the spirit of multilateralism.”
“This decision is a victory of everyone! First, it allows maintaining the unity of the UPU’s global delivery network by keeping all the UPU Members in the organisation. At the same time, the compromise decision addresses the concern of some countries related to the level of remuneration of international e-commerce postal flows, while ensuring the business relevance of the postal e-commerce delivery system too.” said Botond Szebeny, PostEurop Secretary General.
PostEurop thanks to all the parties, including the entire PostEurop Membership for the active participation in the preparation of this forward looking, consensus decision. We look forward to further co-operation and new developments.
PostEurop’s members operate in all 28 EU markets. The Association represents 52 postal
operators in 49 countries and territories around Europe and handles 60 billion items each year. The industry employs 2 million people, manages 258 million delivery points and accounts for 1% of EU GDP.
For more information on this initiative, please contact:
Cynthia Wee-Neumann
Communications & Public Affairs Manager
T: +32 2 773 11 92
POSTEUROP is the association which represents European public postal operators. It is committed to supporting and developing a sustainable and competitive European postal communication market accessible to all customers and ensuring a modern and affordable universal service. Our Members represent 2.0 million employees across Europe and deliver to 800 million customers daily through over 175,000 counters.
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