The Latin American Association of Research Centers and Telecommunication Enterprises, AHCIET1, and the European Telecommunication Network Operators association,ETNO, sign a strategic cooperation agreement
Bogotá / Brussels, 21 January 2013. The Latin American Association of Research Centers and Telecommunication Enterprises, AHCIET, and the Association of European telecommunications operators, ETNO, united by the common goal of promoting electronic communications and contribute to the creation of a global information infrastructure, have decided to join efforts to promote the harmonious development of telecommunications, through the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement.
This agreement, signed by two of the most influential and prestigious associations in the world telecommunications industry, includes the exchange of studies that seek to know and analyze the main problems of the industry. Similarly, through this partnership, both associations will share good practices, market researches, reports, and other relevant news within the scope of the work of both organizations. In addition, they will support the organization and dissemination of their events, as well as other related activities. Key areas for cooperation will include telecoms regulation, online content policies, new business models development and exchange of best practices in areas such as sustainability and smart energy.
Pablo Bello, Secretary General of AHCIET, stated that: "This cooperation has a positive dye both for the industry and for both organizations, since with the joint work, the commitment we have with the sector may be directed more effectively".
In the other hand, Daniel Pataki, ETNO Director said: “Challenges that our industry faces today are increasingly global and need to be addressed globally. We are confident that through this reinforced cooperation, both our organizations will benefit from a common understanding of the issues at stake
and the responses needed”.
More information:
Sara Luisa Oñate
Comunicaciones y Prensa AHCIET
E‐mail: sara.onate@ahciet.net
Tel: +57 (1) 7422376 Móvil: +57 320‐4794629
Thierry Dieu
Director for Communications and Public Policy
E‐mail: dieu@etno.be
Tel: 003222271082
1)AHCIET stand for: Asociación Iberoamericana de Centros de Investigación y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones
AHCIET is a private non‐profit organization, created in 1982 and consists of over 50 telecommunication operators in Latin America, which include public, private, multinational and local diversity provides significant representation of the entire industry;
The Association mission is to contribute decisively to the development of telecommunications in Latin America through the public‐private dialogue, promoting the common interest of the industry and exchange of knowledge and good practices between companies, so, to advance in the development of the digital connectivity and telecommunications services.
About ETNO.
ETNO’s 37 member companies and 12 observers from Europe and beyond represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than €600 billion and employ over 1.6 million people. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and
are committed to its continual growth in Europe.