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Industry Leaders Show Solar Energy Can Ramp up Quickly to Help Meet Global CO2 Challenges


Fri, 12/11/2009


Climate & Environment

Copenhagen, 11 December 2009: Global solar industry leaders have come to COP15 to showcase the immediate capability of solar power to deliver clean energy and reduce harmful carbon dioxide emissions (CO2).

The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and the U.S.-based Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) are spearheading the SolarCOP15 initiative in Copenhagen, supported by over 40 solar trade associations from around the world. 

According to a new report released by the group today, photovoltaics (PV) alone could provide up to 12 percent of the European Union (EU) electricity demand by 2020. In the United States, the combination of PV and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) could deliver 15 percent of electricity by the same year. Together, this would reduce CO2 emissions by nearly 1 billion tons annually and create 6.3 million jobs. Accelerated and baseline projections are presented in the report, including China, India, and Sunbelt countries among others. 

“Solar energy has significant potential to fight global climate change,” said EPIA President Winfried Hoffman. “For example, in Europe alone, meeting the 12 percent PV industry target would imply an avoidance of 220 million tons of CO2 annually by 2020. That is the equivalent to Germany´s CO2 emissions in 2006.”

“Solar technologies are available now and ready to deliver clean energy while creating economic opportunities around the world,” said SEIA President and CEO Rhone Resch. ”While nations negotiate details of a climate treaty, we need to be sure policies are in place so that solar can get to work now.”

SolarCOP15’s Policy Imperatives in Copenhagen include:

Adoption of binding targets for CO2 emission reductions that entail the uptake of solar power

Establishment of technology transfer mechanisms

Commitment to finance strategies for solar technology deployment

SolarCOP15 brings together solar industry groups representing over 40 different nations worldwide. To learn more about events in Copenhagen Dec. 14 – 16 or to download our Report “Seizing the Solar Solution: combating climate change through accelerated deployment”, its Executive Summary and other publications, please visit