Capital Markets Union (CMU): delivering new opportunities for SMEs through venture capital |
Mon, 07/18/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise |
CAPEB and EBC meet the Director-General for Energy of the European Commission, together with other major construction stakeholders |
EBC - European Builders Confederation |
Tue, 10/04/2016 |
Energy, Innovation & Enterprise |
Capacity market: an answer to reduce the risk of shortages in generation capacity |
Tue, 12/19/2017 |
Energy |
CAP: Setting the course for a successful agricultural policy. Albert Dess MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 05/25/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
CAP: European Parliament fighting for strong EU agricultural policy with less red tape. Albert Dess MEP, EPP Group Spokesman |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 10/12/2011 |
Agriculture & Food |
CAP simplification - smoke screen for law breaking and waste of public money? |
BirdLife International |
Mon, 08/17/2009 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
CAP reform: we need bold reform not timid status quo |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Wed, 05/25/2011 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
CAP REFORM: The EU should support a sustainable future for farming, rural territories and biodiversity |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 02/14/2019 |
Agriculture & Food |
CAP reform gutted by agro-industry lobby and its proxies |
Wed, 10/12/2011 |
Agriculture & Food |
CAP Health Check: the future of agriculture in the EU |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 07/04/2008 |
Sustainable Dev., Agriculture & Food |
CAP Direct Payments: CAP post-2013 must help sustain the future of European agriculture. Mairead McGuinness MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 10/12/2011 |
Agriculture & Food |
CAP 2020 must promote the interests of farmers and consumers |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 03/03/2011 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
Cañete still has many questions to answer and must cooperate fully with anti-fraud office investigation |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 07/12/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs |
CANDIDATURES À UNE BOURSE POUR UN MEILLEUR JOURNALISME EUROPÉEN 2013 La Fondation EurActiv PoliTech renouvelle son programme avec la Robert Bosch Stiftung pour la 3e année |
Euractiv |
Tue, 12/18/2012 |
InfoSociety |
Cancún, COP16 – Public transport makes the planet breathe |
UITP - International Association of Public Transport |
Fri, 12/10/2010 |
Climate & Environment, Transport |
Cancer Patients Meet in Brussels to call for more EU cooperation in Health |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Mon, 06/11/2018 |
Health & Consumers |
Cancer patients call for action to make precision medicine in cancer a reality in Europe |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Tue, 12/05/2017 |
Health & Consumers |
Cancer Leagues present their vision for Europe’s Pharmaceutical Strategy - Timely patient access to affordable medicines |
ECL - Association of European Cancer Leagues |
Mon, 08/24/2020 |
Health & Consumers |
Cancer experts, patients and industry applaud Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and reemphasise the importance of measuring success |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Thu, 02/04/2021 |
Health & Consumers |
CANCELLED: Christians under attack: EPP Group press conference on initiatives in defence of Christian populations. Joseph Daul MEP and Mario Mauro MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 01/11/2011 |
Global Europe |
Can Photonic Anthropometrics secure Digital Trust? |
Photonics21 |
Mon, 03/02/2020 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment |
Can new approach methods pave the way for better toxicology? |
ECHA - European Chemicals Agency |
Mon, 04/18/2016 |
Health & Consumers, Innovation & Enterprise |
Can consumers trust website accessibility declarations? |
ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation |
Wed, 05/11/2011 |
Health & Consumers, InfoSociety |
Can Brussels and Member States make the flagships sail? |
Orgalime |
Wed, 03/10/2010 |
EU Priorities 2020 |
Campaign calls for more action to reduce late diagnoses of bladder cancer |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Tue, 05/07/2019 |
Health & Consumers |
Camfil wins air conditioning product award for their low energy air filters at HVAC industry awards |
Thu, 04/21/2011 |
Health & Consumers, Energy, Climate & Environment |
Camfil Farr’s position on Ecodesign directive on EUP – Lot 6 Air conditioning and ventilation systems |
Fri, 09/30/2011 |
Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers, Energy |
Camfil Farr UK becomes the first Gold Sponsor of Clean Air in London |
Tue, 09/06/2011 |
Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers |
Camfil Farr publishes Sustainability Report 2010-11 |
Wed, 09/07/2011 |
Climate & Environment, Energy, Sustainable Dev. |
Camfil Farr Low energy air filter shortlisted for prestigious HVAC industry award |
Wed, 07/20/2011 |
Energy |