The EU of solidarity cannot lose to the EU of xenophobia |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 06/04/2018 |
Global Europe, Med & South |
The EU Parliament backs Marita Ulvkosg’s proposal to end the seasonal time change by 2021 |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 03/26/2019 |
InfoSociety |
The EU should consistently charge no VAT on medicine |
Consumer Choice Center (CCC) |
Thu, 11/05/2020 |
Health & Consumers |
The EU should in no way provide the means for the death penalty or torture, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 10/04/2016 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
The EU should join forces to combat COVID-19 and reboot industry |
Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers |
Fri, 06/12/2020 |
InfoSociety |
The EU should strengthen its Small and Medium sized Enterprises. Bendt Bendtsen MEP and Paul Rübig MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 02/16/2011 |
Euro & Finance, Trade & Society |
The EU transport climate objectives can only be met with more sustainable biodiesel |
EBB - European Biodiesel Board |
Mon, 02/07/2022 |
Energy |
The EU transport sector continues to rely heavily on oil. But a viable alternative already exists and needs to be supported. |
Bioenergy Europe |
Tue, 07/07/2020 |
Energy |
The EU will not be blackmailed, say S&Ds to Trump |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 05/29/2018 |
Global Europe, Security |
The EU wine sector launches the "Wine Information Council" |
Copa-Cogeca |
Tue, 04/28/2009 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers |
The EU-China Summit „The EU must stand by its interests and values“ |
VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry |
Thu, 03/31/2022 |
Trade & Society |
The EU-funded FALCON project is launched. |
Wed, 07/31/2024 |
Transport |
The EU-Ukraine summit: the EU prays Ukraine will give purpose to its directionless security policies |
MCC Brussels |
Thu, 02/02/2023 |
Global Europe |
The Euro dilemma between liquidity and budget discipline – and both goals could be achieved |
Burson |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
The Europe we need! Progressive leaders will discuss with citizens of Ljubljana on the future of the EU |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 02/27/2019 |
Global Europe |
The Europe, Japan, US Supplier Alliance takes off |
Tue, 04/23/2013 |
Trade & Society, Transport |
The European Aluminium Association (EAA): Financial incentives critical for energy efficient buildings |
European Aluminium |
Wed, 06/22/2011 |
Energy |
The European Association Summit releases its schedule and the names of its speakers | |
Fri, 05/05/2017 |
Trade & Society |
The European Cancer Patient Coalition Annual Congress and Annual General Meeting |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Tue, 06/11/2019 |
Health & Consumers |
The European Cancer Patient Coalition launches the Personalised Medicine Awareness Month |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Fri, 11/05/2021 |
Health & Consumers |
CEMBUREAU - The European Cement Association |
Mon, 12/08/2008 |
Sustainable Dev. |
The European Centre for Public Affairs Announces Appointment of Caroline De Cock as Executive Director |
Tue, 06/07/2011 |
Public Affairs |
The European Chemical Employers Group calls for a sector-specific approach to anticipate change |
European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) |
Wed, 09/07/2016 |
InfoSociety |
The European coalition for vaccination launches a campaign for healthcare professionals |
Coalition for Vaccination |
Mon, 04/20/2020 |
Health & Consumers |
The European Commission and the Danish EU Presidency cooperate with the IRU to further green road transport and realize the EU’s growth agenda |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Thu, 03/01/2012 |
Transport |
The European Commission awards two million euros to the European University Ulysseus to boost its Innovation Ecosystem |
Ulysseus |
Fri, 02/12/2021 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
The European Commission imposed provisional anti-dumping measures on imports of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China |
Fri, 11/16/2012 |
Energy |
The European commission launches Watify to accelerate creation of up to 1.5 million jobs in digital entrepreneurship in Europe |
Tue, 04/29/2014 |
InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
The European Commission needs to define what nanomaterials are in order to offer consumers effective protection |
ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation |
Tue, 03/29/2011 |
Health & Consumers |
The European Commission needs to prioritise equitable access to biosimilar medicines in Europe |
Medicines for Europe |
Tue, 01/25/2022 |
Health & Consumers |