Haiti: one year on and the reconstruction process is at a standstill. Michèle Striffler MEP
One year after the earthquake which devastated Haiti on 12 January 2010, the situation is still chaotic, the country is still in a state of emergency and the reconstruction has barely started.
Michèle Striffler, 1st Vice-Chairwoman of the European Parliament's Committee on Development and Standing Rapporteur on Humanitarian Aid, who recently visited Haiti, has condemned the shutdown of the reconstruction process due to structural deficiencies of the Haitian State, the absence of political will or decisions from the Haitian authorities and the lack of support from the international community.
The MEP regrets the delay in the Interim Committee for the reconstruction of Haiti starting work and is concerned about its effectiveness faced with such a colossal project.
"Virtually no funds have been earmarked for clearing the rubble. At the current pace, we will need six years to clear 20 million cubic metres of rubble - a crucial step for the reconstruction!", she criticised.
Michèle Striffler continued: "The European Union must do everything in its power to strongly support a legitimate and transparent electoral process to guarantee the stability and political will which the reconstruction needs."
"It is imperative that the international community and the European Union support the Haitian authorities in the organisation of their institutions, towards a new balance at all levels, towards a fully functioning democracy and throughout the reconstruction process", Ms Striffler concluded.
Michèle Striffler will speak in the plenary debate on the situation in Haiti in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 18 January and will present a Resolution.
(Translation from the original French)
For further information:
Michèle STRIFFLER MEP, Tel: +32-2-2847290
Marion Jeanne, EPP Group Press & Communications Service, Tel: +32-479-840293