Forum: Recycling Industry and Circular Economy - up to the Challenge
Mon, 10/09/2017
Sustainable Dev.
In December 2015, the European Commission presented a new circular economy package that will impact a wide range of sectors, especially the recycling sector. This package has set various targets in terms of recycling but also has introduced Life cycle thinking and measurement tools such as PEF (currently under pilot phase). By turning waste into new resources, recycling enables the circular economy.
FEDEREC carried out a study with the ADEME about CO2 and energy savings thanks to recycling. This study is accompanied, for the operational aspect, by a software allowing the calculation of CO2 and energy saving per materials. It was published in May 2017 in Paris and received a very wide welcome by French press and stakeholders.
Beyond the precise measurement of the environmental benefits of recycling, this study makes possible the link between circular economy and climate change policies adopted in the Paris Agreement.
This initiative is very much appreciated by the industry and meet the work done by DG environment in the PEF/OEF (product environmental footprint initiative) pilot phase.
This EURACTIV high-level forum takes place on October 17 at the EURACTIV network office and will address the following issues:
- What policy framework is needed to benefit from CO2 and energy savings generated by recycling?
- What is the relation between PEF and the FEDEREC study?
- How does recycling contribute to bridge the EU’s circular economy and climate change policies?
- How the methodology can be used by operators in their day-today business?
- Can this study be used as best practice across the EU?
Discussion contributors:
Karmenu Vella, Commissioner (video)
Angélique Delahaye, Member of the European Parliament
Ms An De Schryver, DG Environment
Jean-Philippe Carpentier, President of FEDEREC
Manuel Burnand, Chief Executive Officer of FEDEREC
Jean-Charles Caudron, Head of the Product and Material Efficiency Department at ADEME
Frédéric Simon, Energy and Environment Editor, EURACTIV
17:00 – 17:30 Registration
17:30 – 18:30 Keynote speech and panel discussion
18:30 – 19:00 Open discussion
19:00 – 20:00 Reception
For more information, please contact:
Adrien Dufour
+33 1 75 61 25 02
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