Fit for 55: Revision of the CO2 emissions performance standards for new cars and vans


Thu, 06/09/2022


Climate & Environment

Yesterday, the European Parliament voted on the Commission's proposal to set an objective of zero tailpipe emissions for new cars and vans by 2035. This means a de facto ban on the sales of new internal combustion engine (ICE) cars and vans from that date onwards. The FIA European Bureau supports the EU climate objectives whilst keeping an eye on the consequences on mobility and the individual citizens.

In our view, replacing tailpipe measurements with an assessment of the full life cycle of CO2 emissions of cars and vans is needed to fully deliver our ambition. In addition, flanking measures should help the most vulnerable, preserve the affordability of mobility, and manage the transition towards electromobility.

Some of the amendments adopted support a step-by-step transition and a consumer centred approach. In this sense, the FIA European bureau welcomes the provisions:

  • asking the Commission to report yearly on the impact on consumers and employment, the level  of  renewable  energy  use,  as  well  as  information  on  the  market  for  second-hand vehicles
  • the need for targeted funding to ensure a just transition in the automotive sector, to mitigate negative employment and other economic impacts
  • a common EU methodology to be proposed by the Commission by 2023 for assessing the full life cycle of CO2 emissions of cars and vans placed on the EU market, as well as for the fuels and energy consumed by these vehicles.

We look forward to bringing the consumers' interests to the centre of the discussions, to ensure that the choices made today are future-proof and fully endorsed by society. In that spirit, we will continue to develop GreenNCAP, which gives consumers an accurate picture of how environment friendly and efficient vehicles are today.

About the FIA European Bureau

The FIA European Bureau is a consumer body representing 67 Motoring and Touring Clubs and their 36 million members from across Europe. The FIA European Bureau represents the interests of its members as motorists, riders, pedestrians, and passengers. The FIA European Bureau is working to ensure safe, affordable, clean, and efficient mobility for all. Learn more at


Diogo Pinto

Policy Director