First public debate with top candidates for European elections
Berlin, 17 March 2014, dbb forum
Berlin, 12.03.2014 – We are pleased to invite you to the European Evening: "European Elections". On Monday, 17 March 2014, at 6:30pm in the dbb forum, Friedrichstraße 169/170, 10117 Berlin, candidates from German political parties represented in the European Parliament will come together for the first time. Alexander Graf Lambsdorff MdEP (FDP), Ska Keller MdEP (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), David McAllister MdL (CDU), Birgit Sippel MdEP (SPD) and Gabi Zimmer MdEP (Die Linke) will take part in a panel discussion with Harald Asel (rbb Inforadio).
Beforehand, Vice President of the Federation of German Industries Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Keitel and the founder of EurActiv.com Christophe Leclercq will present their views regarding the current state of Europe.
The European election campaign is taking place at a time when Europe stands before existential challenges. European foreign policy, the sovereign debt crisis and free movement of persons are only a few of the issues currently affecting people across Europe. The panellists will discuss the current political environment as well as the proposals from their parties regarding the future orientation of European politics.
The discussion will take place under the heading "European Elections" as a part of the "European Evening" series, jointly sponsored by the Europa-Union Deutschland e.V., dbb beamtenbund und tarifunion, the Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement, the European Commission Representation in Germany and EurActiv.de as the media partner.
Please apply for accreditation at europathemen@dbb.de.
Contacts for further information:
Birka Meyer-Georges, Europa Union | +49 (0)30 303620132 | birka.meyer-georges@europa-union.de
Christophe Leclercq, Fondateur, EurActiv | +32 (0) 2 226 58 13 | founder@euractiv.com
Dominique Ostyn, Directeur Communication, EurActiv | +32(0)2 788 36 88 | communication@euractiv.com
Thomas Franke, Public Affairs Director/CEO, EurActiv.de | +49 (0)30 20889003 | t.franke@euractiv.de