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Thu, 03/02/2023



2 March 2023 – The FIA European Bureau (EB) welcomes the European Commission’s Road  Safety Package as a step forward in increasing road safety, moving towards the green  transition, and achieving the EU’s ambition of zero road fatalities by 2050. 

When it comes to the Driving Licence Directive (DLD), the FIA EB supports the assessment of driving skills and knowledge linked to new vehicle technologies and new road risk factors, recognizing the importance of lifelong training for drivers, and the move towards digital drivers’ licences. 

The DLD proposal updatestesting rules by including knowledge on advanced driver-assistance  systems (ADAS), electric vehicle powertrains and safety aspects related to alternative fuelled  vehicles, which is essential for the green transition. In addition, the FIA EB has long advocated  for and welcomes assessments on hazard perception and recognizing risk factors in sharing  the road with micro-mobility users and other vulnerable road users. 

The FIA EB notes the Commission’s wish to introduce a two-year probation period after  passing the driver’s test. However, the FIA rather called for a multi-phase driver training  approach – whereby novice drivers undergo mandatory retraining after having obtained their  licence. This second-phase approach is already implemented in Austria, Estonia, Luxembourg, and Slovenia with positive results in reducing road fatalities. 

The FIA EB welcomes mobile licences for drivers’ convenience and reliability. Concerns about  data protection and cyberthreats also need to be adequately addressed. Consumers should  safeguard the right in choosing a physical or digital licence, if more convenient.  

“We hope that the DLD will achieve greater understanding of the various vehicle technologies  for novice drivers, including their potential and limitations. We believe that driver assistance  systems along with elements on sharing the road will be decisive to reach our road safety  objectives for all road users,” said Laurianne Krid, FIA Region I Director General. 

The FIA EB also welcomes, in principle, the proposed revised rules on cross-border  enforcement, and the Commission’s intention to make road traffic offenders accountable in  all Member Statesfor the benefit of road safety. In particular, the improved information letter  requirements to be provided to the people accused of cross-border offenses was a long 

standing demand of the FIA to safeguard citizens’ rights. Regarding the proposal on driving  disqualifications, it should remain a member state competence to legislate the matter due to  national differences in legal and enforcement mechanisms.


Read our position paper on the Driving Licence Directive here 

Read our study on Maximizing Road Safety Benefits of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems  (ADAS) 


Lisandra Fesalbon 

Communications Officer 

About the FIA European Bureau 

The FIA European Bureau, based in Brussels, is a consumer body comprising 101 Mobility Clubs  that represent over 36 million members from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The  FIA represents the interests of our members as motorists, riders, pedestrians, and passengers.  We work to ensure safe, affordable, clean, and efficient mobility for all.  

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