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European Salt Industry asks for a Balanced Solution taking into Account Environmental Concerns and Sustainable Economical Growth


01 Oct 2008


Innovation & Enterprise
Climate & Environment
Sustainable Dev.
Euro & Finance
Health & Consumers

Brussels, 1 October 2008 At the occasion of an interactive workshop on energy and environment, organised by EuSalt*,  the salt  industry has asked  the Commission  to consider  the economical  impacts for  the  European  industry  if  the  proposed  revision  of  the  ETS  is  not  in  line  with  globally  imposed reductions.

The salt producers, who are already making many investments aimed at reducing carbon emissions at and improving the environmental performance of the production plants, underline that the sector, being an energy intensive industry, will be confronted with a serious competitive disadvantage compared to those based outside Europe benefiting of energy at low cost and less stringent environmental requirements. EUSalt therefore insists that the proposed climate package is ‘balanced’ and foresees in appropriate time for a thorough assessment of the impact and in securing a strong competitiveness of the European industry in relation to the global market.


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