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European Commission illuminated with giant projection to shed light on Gaza crisis


13 Nov 2023


Global Europe


BRUSSELS, 12 November – In a striking display designed to capture the world’s attention, the European Commission building on Rue de la Loi was transformed last night at 8pm CET into a canvas of conscience.

Giant projections emblazoned with the messages ‘Ceasefire Now’, ‘Stop the War on Children’ and ‘Choose Love Not War’ illuminated the outside of this iconic institution, urging a ceasefire to save millions of lives.


This visual statement, projected onto the heart of European decision-making, underscores the critical need for a ceasefire to end the suffering in Gaza where, in one month alone, over 4,000 children have been reported killed amid intensifying hostilities.

The powerful message aims to stir the European Union to leverage its diplomatic influence to press for an urgent ceasefire alongside safe unfettered access for humanitarian aid to allow desperately needed aid in to support the 2.3 million people trapped inside.

In light of this poignant moment, Willy Bergogné, Save the Children Europe Director, expressed the organisation’s support for the message:

“Children are always the first to suffer in any conflict – and the stories continuing to come from Gaza are the stuff of nightmares. If we don’t act now, history will judge us all.

All children in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel should be protected. Stop the war on children.”

A Choose Love spokesperson has also voiced the organisation’s stance, highlighting the desperate circumstances:

"We stand with the message projected on the EU commission last night. The level of pain and suffering is harrowing and unimaginable, and I know there are so many of us feeling helpless as we witness this humanitarian catastrophe which is getting only more desperate.

We stand with the international community in calling for a ceasefire now. Choose Love, rooted in our shared humanity, will always work towards humanitarian solutions.”

As these messages light up the night sky, they serve as a reminder that action is not just necessary, it is imperative. The international community, led by bodies like the European Union, must mobilise to bring about peace and provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the children of Gaza.



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