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European Commission heads towards pragmatic future transport policy


Wed, 06/17/2009



FIA Clubs in Europe welcome the European Commission’s communication, published today on “The Future of Transport Policy” and the vision it sets out for transport and mobility over the next forty years as well as identifying the major challenges to be addressed if a holistic and sustainable approach is to be achieved.

“This first step by the European Commission is very encouraging, especially the recognition that road transport pays for itself and indeed is part of the backbone of modern society’s prosperity.” said Werner Kraus, Chairman of the FIA Eurocouncil. “Given that mobility is forecasted to increase substantially this century, all modes of transport and mobility stakeholders must be ready with realistic and future-proof solutions to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. The Commission’s future of European Transport Policy sets a realistic and pragmatic framework for future policy decisions” said Werner Kraus. “We intend to ensure that the path to enhanced mobility adopted by the European Commission’s 2006 mid term review of the 2001 Transport White Paper will be further tailored to real needs of society.”

As the voice of Europe’s motoring consumers, the Eurocouncil of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) welcomes the proposed objectives: safer, more secure, more comfortable, better integrated, cleaner and more efficient transport. Technological innovation and user-friendliness should definitely be put to the benefit of a more robust road safety policy to protect Europe’s citizens.
Today’s Communication confirms the important role of mobility as enabler of social, economical and environmental welfare. It recalls that the proper functioning of the EU’s transport system is essential to its competitiveness and the quality of life of its citizens. Especially with regard to the objectives of the Lisbon agenda, European transport policy has to fully support the needs of Europe’s citizens in terms of mobility.

“Citizens should benefit from a transport system whose design and management corresponds to their needs, taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects in a balanced way” concluded Kraus.


Note to editors

On 17th June 2009 the European Commission published its Communication from the Commission on the future of European Transport Policy: Towards an integrated, technology-led and user friendly transport system.

The initiative is linked to the 2001 Transport White Paper and its 2006 Mid-Term review. The purpose of the initiative is to stimulate a wide-ranging debate on transport scenarios with a 20 to 40 year time horizon and to develop tools and provide technical support for an overall sustainable transport approach. Identification of problems and opportunities that from now to 2050 may require action is also foreseen.

The Eurocouncil of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the leading motoring and touring organisation, represents via its 65 national motoring and touring organisations in 47 European countries, 35 million European motorists. Europe’s motoring and touring organisations have as their highest priority to put their members’ interests at the centre of Europe’s mobility policy in order to make mobility more sustainable, i.e. more reliable, cleaner and safer while keeping it affordable for all.

For more information please contact Sinziana Gille, Communication Manager, +32 2 282 08 16